Depressed Werewolves and Drunk Warlocks

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- Two days earlier-
Magnus whistled as he slid the key into his door.

It made a clicking noise as it unlocked.He opened the door and entered the apartment.

He was greeted by his cat, who plodded over to him and began to brush up against Magnus's leg, purring. The Chairman meowed(hahahahahahahahahah,I am so sad) pitifully at him

Magnus consented and scratched him behind the ears.

The Chairman was purring so loudly that he sounded like a car starting. Magnus walked in and began his work.

He had an appointment at five with an emotionally challenged werewolf who spent most of the time crying about his ex girlfriend. Magnus was full of sympathy for the girlfriend by the end of it.Then he summoned two demons, enchanted a carpet AND he had a rousing discussion with a pixie on how he could not go back in time and prevent the existence of hangnails.

By the end of the ordeal Magnus had gone through over twenty clienteles and a bottle of strong red wine. He was praying that an asteroid would crash into the apartment and obliterate him but he feared that even death would not erase the memories of this day.

He flopped on his couch, turned on the t.v and poured himself another (couple) glass(es) of wine.Gok Won was on and that was always good. Magnus respected that man's policies. But sadly even Gok couldn't make Magnus feel better. He had more wine. He might have had a bit TOO much wine because the rest of the night was a bit of a blur.

He woke up the next day. On the floor. In a stranger's house. Surrounded by the remnants of a party and what was hopefully not human flesh.He staggered back to his house and ran to the loo and was(promptly)violently sick. The joys of drink.

He lay in bed, heavily hungover and in pain. He groaned and drank as much water as he could.Hell,he probably drank the equivalent of the dead sea. He was lying there, waiting for death, when the phone rang. The sound it made was like red hot daggers through Magnus's skull . Why did he have to have picked such a high-pitched ringtone.

He grabbed his phone and answered without even looking." Yeah what the hell do you want?", he groaned, scrubbing his eyes.

"Em,Oh sorry,you are obviously busy Magnus, sorry for disturbing you.I will call back later",a gentle voice said, nervously.Magnus nearly dropped the phone.It was Alec.He cheered up immensely.

" Oh sorry darling,I thought you were someone else", he said, his voice slightly slurred.Well that's embarrassing, he thought.

"M-Magnus are you drunk?!", Alec stuttered, sounding appalled.

Magnus yawned." Nope,I was drunk yesterday.I am currently hungover", he said simply.

Alec sighed on the other end of the line." Okay,I will be there in fifteen minutes, do you want me to bring anything over?", he asked kindly.

Magnus felt a burst of affection erupt in his chest.Oh Alec Lightwood was a heartbreaker.

"Maybe some bottled water.And a large rock with which I can bash my brains out", he replied smoothly.

Alec laughed,a genuine, simple sound that brightened all New York.He still felt like concentrated death though, so it didn't brighten everything.

"See you in a few Magnus", Alec chuckled.

"I will count down the minutes Gorgeous", Magnus purred flirtatiously.

He could almost sense Alec's trademark blushes.

Alec hung up and Magnus smiled, closing his eyes.Maybe this day would be better than expected.Then the realisation hit him.He was hungover, had lack of sleep, he hadn't showered, he probably had sick in his fabulous coiffure and worst of all he hadn't applied his five layers of make-up.He opened his eyes.He jumped out of bed, which nearly made him get sick again, and ran over to his mirror.Sweet mother of all things glittery he looked like hell.He looked almost as bad as that boy,what was his name, Sherlock Lewis? Oh right Simon.He looked vile.He couldn't see Alec looking like this! He walked over to his closet and opened the doors.He looked into the Labyrinth of high-fashion.He cracked his knuckles.

"Lets do this thing".

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