Riley laughed as Shane's face turned red. My eyes shifted to Riley and I gave him the same mocking smile. "And what are you laughing at? Your brain is as small as West's dick."

     It was Riley's turn to turn red. He took a threatening step towards me but West's arms shot out, blocking him. "Well," West said, sounding amused. "The kitty has claws." He didn't seem offended that I had managed to insult the three of them at the same time.

     I quirked a brow at him. "Meow."

     And to our surprise, he laughed. He suddenly seemed amused by me. When he stoppled laughing he tilted his head and studied me, the cruelty that I've seen in his eyes earlier dimmed a bit. "Well, this is a surprise. Here I thought that you're a weak little thing but you got spunk, I'll give you that."

     My eyes narrowed at him. I could be wrong but there seemed to be a hint of respect in his eyes. Now that he found that I wasn't a complete damsel in distress, the game he was playing had become much more interesting. Unfortunately for me, I'm an unwilling player.

     "What's going on here?"

     My heart skipped a beat at the sound of that familiar melodic voice. I lowered my bag unconsciously when the boys parted and revealed that Courtney was standing a couple of feet behind them. Her bluebell eyes landed on me and I suddenly felt like I couldn't breath. In this field of willow trees and green grass...she was a vision to behold. The rays of the sun seemed to make her pale hair glow around her.

     "Hey, Courtney," Riley nodded to her with a smile, "what are you doing out here? Where's Jake?"

     Courtney ignored his questions. "What are you guys doing?"

    "Nothing," Shane said, plopping an arm around my shoulder. "We were just getting to know Stacy over here."

    West said nothing. His eyes met hers and there seemed to be a private communication between the two of them before he took a single step aside, giving her more room to view me.

     "Come on, Stacy," Courtney smiled, reaching out a hand to me. "Let's go."

     I stared at her hand, shocked that she would offer it to me. My mind began to race with panic. What do I do? Should I take her hand? Am I fit enough to touch her? What if she found my touch repulsive? What is she doing here? Had she come to rescue me?

     "What's wrong?" Courtney tilted her head the side, a pretty pout on her cherry lips. "Don't you wanna come with me?"

     I glanced around at the faces of the guys before quickly nodding. I shrugged Shane's arm off my shoulder and I walked past them. On the way I picked up my book, shoving it in my bag. Hanging the strap on my shoulder, I hesitated a second before taking Courtney's hand. The instant our hands touch I jumped back, snatching my hand away when static electricity shocked through me.

     I stared at my tingling hand before raising my astonished eyes to her. Courtney was staring at her own hand with a slight frown before meeting my eyes. Then she smiled, a sweet heavenly smile that would have turned me into puddle at her feet if such things were possible.

     "Come," she said again, reaching out the same hand.

     I stared at it for a while before working up the nerve to take it. This time there was no sudden shock but the tingle was still there. So soft, her hand felt so soft and warm against mine. she entwined her slender fingers with mine and drew me closer. I stopped next to her and was startled to find that she was a few inched taller than me. I've never been this close before so I never realized that she was actually taller than me. From far away she always seemed so much more petite.

     I stared into her eyes, completely fascinated by her presence. Her enchanting smile turned mysterious, curving into a light Mona Lisa smile that would have made Da Vinci proud. Her bluebell eyes glinted at me, practically taunting me to find out the secrets she keeps hidden.

     "Let's go, Stacy," she said, making my name sound far more beautiful than it really was. "Come with me."

     "To where?" I asked in a breathless whisper, afraid that she'd suddenly disappear from my sight, that this might after all be all a dream.

    She cocked her head at me. "Does it matter?"

     I found myself shaking my head. didn't matter because right then, I would have followed her anywhere. Even to the end of the world.

    "No," I said as she began to lead me away, "It doesn't matter."


Cookie: Hmmm *taps chin* Now this is intersting...I never expected West...he can be a...problem? Competition? Maybe I'll turn this into a GirlxGirl-GirlxBoy hehehehe add more drama eh?

I'm still in the dark about this story. I have no end for it, barely a beginning. I'm just writing what comes to mind so basically the story is slowly writing itself so even I get surprise how it turns out...if that makes sense. :P

*dances to LoveStruck*

Cherry Pop Blues *~GirlxGirl/GirlxBoy~* (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now