Wrestlemania 31

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A/N-Jake's wrestling gear in media.
Jake POV
Tonight is Wrestlemania and I am excited because I get to face Kane for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship tonight in a TLC match
*in Jake's locker room
I was getting ready for my match because it was up next. While I was getting ready Kylie was sitting on the sofa watching Wrestlemania on the T.V. that I had in the locker room I have a private locker room because, Kane has been attacking me during my matches, backstage and in my locker room and the worst part when he attacked me in my locker he attacked me in front of Kylie which is why I plan to get revenge against Kane tonight and at the same time retain the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and bring back to the authority and around my waist where it rightfully belongs I am not letting go of this title without a fight and Kane knows this so he is going to try to beat me at my own game but I have the advantage tonight because I will have all of the members of the authority at ringside with me tonight so they can watch beat Kane and retain my title.

Triple h POV
I was in my office doing paper work when Seth barged in and said, "Jake got attacked by Kane in his locker room with a sledgehammer and a chair." When I asked Seth if he is bleeding he said that he was bleed that is when I told seth to come with me to Jake's locker room when I got there with Seth I opened the door to Jake's locker room and he was laid out and the chair that he was attacked with was next to him.
He was out he wouldn't respond to anything.
*outside of the trainers room*

Seth POV
I can't believe this me, Joey, and Jamie were given orders to protect Jake and make sure nothing happened to him we didn't protect him and now he is hurt.
*Seth and Triple h convo*
Seth-hunter, I'm sorry
Seth-he getting to go out then, Kane was walking towards me and he knocked me, Jamie, and Joey out cold and the locker room door was unlocked, next thing I know I'm on the ground while Kane went in Jake's locker room and beat the hell out of him.
Hunter-okay, was Kylie in there
Seth-yes but she was getting changed in the bathroom at the time she was the one who told me that Jake got attacked then that is when I went straight to you to tell you what happened I told Kylie to stay with Jake while I came to talk to you.
Hunter-thank you for your help.
Seth-your welcome, is he awake?
Hunter-no he isn't.
Seth-do they know what's wrong with him?
Hunter-the trainers think it's a concussion and they think he might have wrapped him up he is waking up now and they are going to wrap his ribs and give him pain pills for his head but the bad thing is that do to Kane's attack in the locker room Jake is not physically able to defend his title tonight which means we have one angry monster that we have to deal with. Hang on I need to talk to the trainer I will talk you later and stay away from Kane because, when he is this angry he is capable of doing bad things so stay as far away from him as possible do you understand?
Seth-I got it
Hunter-good and thank you
Seth-no problem
*end of convo*

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