Chapter 8:Last Chapter (LONG CHAPTER)

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Its been 2 years pass and Robin wanted to marry Raven he was in his room thinking 'should i marry her or not?"


Robin's POV

i was stress i couldnt stop thinking of our first date i went to the living room and got a drink then something came in my mind,wait how about Slade we have not heard of him and the city is all fine i wonder what he is up to....

Starfire's POV

i was lying down on my bed and thinking about how i first got Cyborg's attention,my p..h..o..n..e rings i look at my phone and it say 'unknown number' i answer thinking its my family but it was not my family it was a familiar voice.

"Starfire i need you to know the truth,i dont love you i pretended to love you because it was part of Jinx plan im with Jinx and i would not leave Jinx's side so im sorry i need to broke up with you and move on to a new life and a new chapter im leaving the teen titans and im going with the H.I.V.E tell everyone that my name is not Cyborg anymore im now K-borg the 'k' stands for KILLERBORG "

i could believe what i heard,Cyborg pretended to love me.......

Robin's POV

i heard sobbing from Starfire's room i opened the door and saw her crying on her bed i asked her "what happened Star?"

she told me what happened and stop crying,i was feeling frustrated how could Cyborg do that without me knowing,i know that Beastboy moved in with his fiance Terra but this is even worst than losing Beastboy,then i heard a scream coming from Raven's Room i rushed there and saw her being grab by a huge hand into the portal i ran inside it and find myself in a crib a baby crib i try grabbing my weapon but then i was wearing something else and my hand was small wait a second im a BABY what the h*ck i am a BABY so i started screaming but i ended up crying before i knew it someone grab me and cuddle me...

'dont worry sweety mommy is here'she whisper

i saw my mom and dad,i think im in the past whoa okay this is weird just then i woke up it was just a dream but why im i back at the teen titans tower i looked everywhere trying to find my friends but i seem to cant find them i looked out at the window and all i saw was houses on fire and the city was destroyed i cant believe it...

Raven's POV

Cyborg,Starfire,Beastboy and i hurried to the hospital after finishing our packing,we heard that Robin was in a coma for 20 years.

We visited him every year and every month,Robin started coughing,sneezing and vomiting then 5 months later he passed away we were all sad and also angry then i try to remember every word he said at our first date.

"Raven i love you and i will protect you until i die and even at heaven i still will i love you,you complete my life your everything to me and will never broke up with you......."


thank you for reading i hope you enjoy it and by the way Robin is in a coma and the broke up thing between Cyborg and Starfire was just a dream thank you guys again for reading and i hope i will get followers soon sayonara!


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