Chapter 1

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(This takes place right after the battle of Bothawui, where the Republic have used the AT-TE)

General Grievous stepped off of his ship, 'Soulless One' to see Count Dooku, greeting him. General Grievous, as usual, bowed slightly to him, showing loyalty and respect then clasping his hands behind his back. "Grievous, we have heard of your loss in Bothawui... you've dissapointed me and Lord Sidious." Count Dooku said in his scolding tone.

Grievous confessed with slight anger in his eyes. "The republic scum have a new weapon and used it where the reflector shields weren't." Grievous saw something in the shadows behind Dooku, but he didn't care.

Dooku continued as Grievous saw something in the shadows again, "You're now going to be trained by someone other than me." It was then Grievous released a hacking cough as he saw the 'something' step out of the shadows behind Dooku.

Count Dooku revealed having a slight smirk from General Grievous's surprise at the Sith. "This is Darth Ceash, she'll be your trainer for now or until Lord Sidious says otherwise." Count Dooku then boarded one of his ships to leave Mustafar. Grievous inspected the Sith Lord who appears to be only 20, a scar from her left eyebrow to the bottom of her lip shows she's survived plenty of encounters with unwanted foes.

She noticed Grievous staring at her and replied with a slight cough, "So, you're the great Warlord every Sith is talking about..." Grievous thought to himself, 'Why is her voice so calming?' She continued. "Are you done staring at me yet, Grievous?" emphasizing his name a bit. He noticed she carried two lightsabers, curved hilt like that of Count Dooku's own ones.

"Sorry.... Lord Ceash...." He replied trying to not put a menace behind her name or title. She slightly shifted against the title he called her, "Don't call me 'Lord' Ceash Grievous, just call me master or something relevant." She slightly insisted. But her narrow eyes told a different story. "Of course, Master..." Grievous slightly not being used to call others, 'master' but none the less slightly bowing, showing Loyalty and Respect again. He then thought to himself, 'Why am I so damn attracted to her now..? Probably something wrong with my Cyborg side perhaps...'

"Grievous you fly your ship, the Soulless One I got my own ship to fly... but we'll rendezvous at your flagship." She heads to her own ship, similar to Grievous's one but a midnight black in colour, only then deciding to take off her hood, showing her hair is also Midnight black. Her eyes, Grievous had to force himself to not stare at, they were a beautiful Golden, with red specks going through it. Her ship was called by her, 'Silent Watch' as when she got in it and turned on the engines, it made no sound at all.

Grievous got in his one and they took off to his Flagship.

~'~'~'(Sorry if this isn't meeting anyone's expectations, also Darth Ceash is my own character.)~'~'~

(Also sorry if this was short, first time is a charm though... right?)

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