March 17, 2016 11:24 pm

13 2 1

Your words cut deep, and are slowly drowning me. I'm trapped inside my own mind. I don't want you to cry though, I'll be fine. This is not the end, even though I'm hopeless and broken, my broken pieces will eventually mend back together. I just have to remain hopeful and try to have a positive outlook rather than a negative one. When I look in the mirror, I hate what I see; the broad shoulders, noodle-like arms, jiggling thighs, and the flabby tummy. I long to be the outgoing happy girl that i used to be, but I'm afraid that she's too far gone now. I've changed a lot over the past year, but that's what pain does, it changes people, whether it be for the best or not. I fake a smile and say I'm okay, when really, all I need is for someone to embrace me with words of encouragement and tell me "No you're not, but I'm here for you." Unfortunately, that is a completely unrealistic scenario that only occurs in the movies and my vivid imagination. I miss going to Shelby County. Theatre was my escape, and now it feels like part of me is dying on the inside. Psychology is so much better in a classroom, but no, I'm now having to take it online, and I hate it. i want Mrs.Myrick and Coach Wallis back! 

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