Vegeta x Fem!Reader Part 3

Start from the beginning

"Oh come on, y/n, I would never hurt you," the saiyan prince pointed out.

"Why?" You teased.

Vegeta rolled his eyes. "Don't want to spoil anything for you," he taunted back.

You stood up. "What do you mean by that?"

The saiyan scowled slightly. "All you do is ask questions, right?"

"I'm just confused about what you mean," you explained. "Anyway nevermind."

Vegeta just smirked and went back to his training, this time no blasts aimed at you.

He finally stopped as the sun began to slip away under the horizon, the sky a gorgeous mix of pastel pinks, pale blue, purple, and yellows.

Vegeta approached you, and noticed your dreamy stare. "You ok?"

You nodded. "Just admiring the sunset," you reassured. You were about to head back into the woods before it got too dark to go home, but Vegeta grabbed your hand, stopping you.

"Wait," he rasped.

You turned to face him, perplexed by his actions.

"Do you like stargazing?" Vegeta asked, his voice low and somewhat inaudible.

"Yes," you answered. You knew what he was going to ask next, or at least a good hint of what he wanted to do.

"Stay and watch the night sky with me," Vegeta said. "Surely you can do that?"

You shrugged and nodded happily. "Sure," you replied. It was dark enough by now to hide the light dust of pink blush on your cheeks.

You followed the saiyan warrior to a clear spot, not too badly damaged by Vegeta's training. You lied in the soft grass and stared up at the stars, Vegeta beside you.

"So what exactly do you do for a living? Don't you work anywhere?" You asked.

"Never had a need to," Vegeta answered. "I work as a warrior and fight in the martial arts tournaments." His dark eyes flickered to you for a moment.

"Makes sense." You met his gaze evenly. "You just pay all the bills with the reward money?"

Vegeta nodded. "Bulma's filthy rich because she's a scientist. Major bitch though."

"Is she your girlfriend?" You dared to ask out of curiosity.

Vegeta shook his head, grimacing a bit. "Yeah right," he growled. "We used to be what you humans call a couple, but we fell out after our son grew up."

Your eyes widened. You didn't expect Vegeta to have a son. "Well... needless to say, I'm fairly surprised."

"Why?" He gazed back to the sky.

"Well, you don't seem like the romantic type," you playfully taunted.

"Well, I can be, but I will admit that I'm not one for petty affections," Vegeta chuckled. He now sat up, and rested his ebony eyes on your (e/c) ones. "But I want to clarify one thing..."

You noticed he got closer to you, a smirk plastered on his face. His head blocked out the moonlight and soon his lips pressed against yours roughly. Your eyes widened in surprise, many thoughts running through your mind. Why is he doing this? Does he feel the same why? Am I just being used to satisfy his needs?

Vegeta pulled away, an annoyed look on his face. "Well?"

You just stared at him. "Huh?"

"For god's sake..." He muttered. "I'm trying to make a simple love confession and all you do is stare at me like a deer in the headlights."

You smiled, pulling yourself out of your shock. "Vegeta..."

"What y/n?"

"I may not be the brightest girl... or the strongest.... but I answer to your confession. I love you too," you admitted. "Ever since you saved my life, I-"

You were cut off by his lips returning to yours, and this time you kissed back, your lips dancing in the moonlight as he pulled you close to his chest.

When you two finally pulled away for air, Vegeta smiled at you. "Well, it's probably best for you to get on home," he murmured, outstretching one hand to help you up. However, he didn't let go.

"Yeah..." you replied, sort of disappointed that you had to go.

"I'll take you home, if you want," Vegeta offered.

"Thanks," you said with a smile.

Vegeta lifted you up bridal style and began to fly up into the sky, and carried you back to your apartment.

He set you down at your front door. You kissed his cheek. "Same time, tomorrow?"

A tint of blush dusted Vegeta's cheeks. "S-sure y/n."

You watched him fly off into the sky and opened the door. There had definitely been a party here. F/n was passed out on the couch, a bottle in (his/her) palm and snoring like a freight train, along with a couple other of friends sleeping on the floor.

You shook your head and sighed. What a mess...

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