Chapter 2

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James Pov
Everything seemed like a normal day. But during the evening it seemed different. Lily was rocking Harry in his rocking chair. Her back was facing towards the padio. I was sitting on the sofa just watching my beautiful wife and handsome son. I usually sat here. Just incase I would be the first to see. I also had the better hearing. I hear the lock outside unlock. I see the black cloak. "Lily. Take Harry and apperate." I whisper
"Why?" She asks
"Lily its him! Run! Ill hold him off!" I shout
She runs. I know she has her wand upstairs. I have mine on the kitchen counter. I wont be able to hold him off for long. "Move Aside Potter!" Voldy hisses
"Never." I growl
"Avada Kedevra." Voldy shouts
I knew I should be dead. Why am I not dead. Please Lily be alive. Please Honey. Stay Safe.
I hear loud screams. Lily! I scream inside my mind! I cant barely move my legs at the moment. I wait for the aurors to show. Hopefully Padfoot. I am not dead. I am not dead. I am not dead. Please let Lily be alive.
Padfoot comes busting into the door. "Prongs." He mutters he grabs me by my shoulders and wraps me into a hug. I try to give him a hug. It works pretty well. His eyes opened wide in shock "Prongs?" He muttered
"Paddy." I said
He hugged me so tightly. I guess I have a few injuries. "Buddie. Go see how Lily and Harry are. If they left or not." I mutter
He gets up and walks up the stairs.
He comes back down carrying Lily first. Sets her down gently beside me. I could see her chest rise and fall. Which was good. Her eyes were closed. "Harrys alive too Buddy." He says "ill go get him. I called Mad Eye. He and Kingsley are coming."
A minute later Harry is brought down.
Kingsley and Mad eye apperate on the spot. "Are they alive?" Mad eye asks
"Yes, Lily is just unconsious." Sirius says
"Their position was exposed." Kingsley says to Mad eye "We have to get the Potters to Saint Mungos right away."
"He used the killing curse. We survived." I said kind of soft
"What Prongs?" Padfoot says
"He used the killing Curse Paddy. We survived." I said a little louder
Padfoots eyes widened slightly "Kingsley? Could you contact Remus, and Marlene and Alice and tell them to meet us at Saint Mungos. Tell them its a emergency." Sirius says
"Sure." Kinglsey leaves the room to contact them
"Mad Eye can you get James arm around your shoulder to carry him as best as possible. I will get Lily and Kingsley can carry Harry and use his other arm to help support James." Sirius says
Kingsley walks back into the room. He takes Harry from Padfoot. I am trying my hardest to move at the moment. "Potter, Your fine. Try take slow steps. Were going to apperate in a minute." Mad Eye said
I know he is trying to mean well. But I can barely walk at the moment and he cant very well either with his prostetic leg.
We apperate. I can see Harry. Thats Good. "Medics!" Kinglsey shouts
They see who it is and they rush over. Several Put us on beds. "Keep the child with them!" Padfoot yells
"Ok Sir. Are you family?" A polite medic asks
"Yes, I was adopted into James Potters family during Hogwarts." He says "My real parents disowned me. James Potters parents took me in and practically toom care of me." He says
"Ok. Do you want them in a room all together?" The lady asks him
"Yes, If you could please. The Babys only a year. He needs to be with his parents please." Sirius says
If this ladys being polite Padfoot will be as well. Its this weird thing he does.
"Ok Sir." She says
"Ius." He finishes
"What?" She asks
"You said 'Ok Sir' that isnt my name its Sirius." Padfoot says
The nurse laughs at that.
Sirius is granted full access into our room at any time. The Medic got my permission. They are supposed to get Lilys but I reassured them that she would say the same as I did. They arent allowed to tell him to leave. He is sitting with Harry in his arms.
Lily isnt awake yet. I cant get to my Lily because my ankle is broke. I wanted to sit by her bedside.
"Padfoot? Let me have my son." I say
"Sure thing buddy." Sirius says handing me harry.
"Hi Buddy. I know this is scary. Im sure it is. Momma is just asleep. Dadda will be Ok." I whisper to him
Harry rests his face into my chest. His face turned toward the door. I stroke his black hair. Harry ends up fallimg asleep. Sooner than expected Marlene, Alice and Remus come through the door. "Oh My Merlin! Sirius What Happened!" Marlene says
"Voldy payed them a little visit. Voldy is now gone. Not everyone knows this yet. The message hasnt been spread yet. I havent got the whole Story. Prongs isnt strong enough to speak long yet." Sirius says "Lily is under a few medicines being injected as she was directly infront of the wand. She is on 2, one is to boost the energy flow in her system while the other is to do something I cant remember what." Sirius says "James has a sprained ankle, a few cracked ribs. Nothing a healing potion cant fix. Also he has a small minor head injury. He hit a small portion of his skull against the wall." Sirius explains "Harry has a scar on his face from when Harry somehow caused Voldy to vanish." Sirius finishes
I saw the scar. I didnt care. Harrys Lily and My beautiful son.
That comment made me hold him tighter. They kept talking to me but I didnt answer. They knew I was awake. They just kept talking I refused to answer.
"Prongs? How are you Mate?" Remus asks
"Honestly Moony, I am just scared at the moment." I answer
"I understand Prongsie, I would be too. Hey, I have some news. Lilys doing really well to the medicine mate. These healers here dont know this, I was considering being a healer. I learned how to read their systems better than they can. Thanks to Lily, she helped me realize what i really wanted to do." Moony says
"I didnt even know that Moony." Padfoot and I say together
He laughs slightly "Is it true. I did want to. I realized differently after a conversation with Lily a few years ago." Remus says
Lily stirs she first looks over towards me and Harry amd sighs. She looks over towards Sirius and Marlene also to Remus and Alice. "Do you remember anything before you blacked out Lily?" Marlene asks
"Yes." She answers
"Could you tell us what you remember?" Sirius asks
"Ok, Well I ran up the stairs not sure of what to do. My wand was near my I couldnt stop shaking from fear of what was coming. I heard James collapse. Before I knew what was happenening the door was blasted open. I hhad already set Harry in his crib behind where I was standing. I was right infront of the crib. I refused to move. He was screaming at me to stand aside. I said 'Never, Your going to havee to kill me to get to Harry'. So The Dark Lord had used the killing curse on me. I had collapsed to the ground. Thats all I can remember." Lily says tearing up slightly
"Do you want to see Harry, Lilypad?" I asked
Holding Harry usually makes both of us feel better. She needs to hold him for a bit.
She nodded. Marlene picked Harry up from me and brought him over to Lily. She hugs him tightly. I watched at his face borrowed into Lilys collarbone. "Guys we cant keep pressuring them for answers of what just had happened. They are probably still in a lot of shock." Remus says
"Thank you Mate." I mutter
"Anytime Prongs, anytime." Moony says
My eyes started to get heavier and I got more drowsier. Until I finally fell asleep.

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