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Flying is not fun... Thought Hammer. And its cold. "ITS ALL THEY'RE FAULT AHHHH" Hammer began crying.

"I...shoulda...trieddddddd..." She sobbed. "And...now...I'm...alone...."

"HEY WILL YOU SHUTUP??!" Hammer stopped and tried to listen. She wasn't very good at listening.

"Who's there?" She called out.

A penguin appeared. Hammer screamed. She hated penguins!! She turned and began sprinting as fast as she could, which was about the speed of a turtle. "Oh look, something blue!! It must be an icee from Pizza Hut!!"

She began running even faster, then dove into the blue stuff. Turns out, it wasn't an icee. It was the ocean. The Antarctic Ocean.

"Oh shoot," she tried to say, but couldn't because she was so cold. And, because Hammer thought she was so good at running, she couldn't swim.

She tried to cry underwater. Hammer just made herself even colder. 3 seconds later, she was dead.


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