Chapter 9: Preparations III

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Third person POV:
     All the students in class were chattering, and excitement was rushing around the room as they all shared their ideas about what the attraction for the festival should be. Well, almost all of them, "Bakura would you cut it out ?!" Ryou was currently being assaulted by Bakura's endless attacks of pen jabs to the rib cage, "What I'm bored, plus it's your fault for being so god damn ticklish." Bakura stated matter-of-factly.
"I can hardly see how that would be my-"
"Alright students settle down!" Mr. Pegasus boomed, quieting all the students. "Alright I can see you're all very excited, but it's impossible to hear what you all have to say when you're all speaking at the same time, so while I go out to grab the papers needed to register our attraction for the festival, I will appoint one of you to lead the discussion and I expect a decision to be made when I get back, so, who's up for it ?" And just like that all the students were waving their hands and shouting "pick me, pick me!" Amidst all the chaos, Bakura didn't miss the way Ryou slightly sunk back into his chair as Mr. Pegasus asked for a volunteer. This caused a lightbulb to go off in Bakura's head, stealthily, he took his pen and began to run it down the back of Ryou's neck, ever so slowly and lightly. The poor unexpecting boy thought it was a bug of some kind and jumped out of his seat in surprise.
" Well I can see Mr. Yadonushi is very eager to speak, so why don't you come on up ?"
"M-me ?" Ryou pointed a finger at him self.
"Well, you're the only Yadonushi in this class right ?" Mr. Pegasus questioned. Ryou visibly gulped and hung his head as he walked up to the podium, having a mini heart attack. Ryou had a long list of fears, public speaking being on said list.
"I'll be back in 20 minutes hopefully you'll come to a decision by then." Mr. Pegasus finished as he walked out. Then all eyes were on Ryou, "U-um w-w-well-" the stuttering mess at the head of the class was interrupted by the voices of the other students.
"Can we have really cute costumes ?" One girl voice shouted.
"We should make a maid cafe !" Another male voice called out.
"You just wanna see the girls in those revealing outfits you perv !" Another female student yelled. Poor Ryou couldn't get a word in as his fellow classmates kept shouting things over him, Malik and Yugi tried to help their struggling friend by calming down their classmates, but to no avail. No one even noticed when someone walked up to the chalkboard.
     Everyone in the class covered their ears and turned to face the chalkboard, where the sound was coming from, they found Bakura, running his handy dandy pen against the chalkboard. Once Bakura felt he had tortured everyone enough he stopped and picked up a piece of chalk and began to write something on the board. Everyone else just watched silently until he moved his body allowing everyone to see what he wrote, "Egypt".
"Now since all of you seem to be hard of hearing I'll just have to repeat what Mr. Pegasus said," Bakura said in an irritated tone, "It's impossible to hear all of you when you speak at the same time so he put Ryou in charge, so that means shut your mouths and let him talk, and if anyone has a problem you can have a private conversation with me instead." Bakura huffed crossing his arms, then he nodded at Ryou indicating for him to continue. Ryou didn't know why but having Bakura by his side made his fear subside and speaking to the class became a bit easier. "Well... as Bakura just so kindly wrote on the board, my friends and I were thinking of making the theme of our attraction, Egypt, and hearing all of your suggestions, why not make an Egyptian café ?"
Once Ryou's words left his mouth everyone turned to each other and began to whisper to each other making Ryou's anxiety rise again, until... "That's a great idea !" Someone shouted
"Yeah we can have really cute outfits !" A female shouted.
     And with that everyone agreed on the theme and started working together to get decorations for the café.
Ryou's POV:
To say that I was relieved about everyone agreeing on our theme was an understatement. I almost fainted when I had to speak in front of the whole class, good thing Bakura helped me out or else I might've collapsed from all the pressure, speaking of which, for our Egyptian café, Yugi thought it would be a good idea to put posters all around the room with sand dunes on them to create the scenery and make it more realistic. The paint supply being used to create these posters was running low, so Malik sent Bakura and I out to fetch more paint from the storage closet near the art room. On the way there Bakura was mumbling something about Malik and his stupid schemes when suddenly-
"Omg look it's Bakura and Ryou, they're like two of the hottest guys at school" One girl unsuccessfully whispered to her friend
"Oh I know right ?!" The other one said also trying to whisper. I just smiled at them, not wanting to be rude, which made them squeal even louder. I was used to fangirls, no matter what school I went to they were always there, which I don't understand why, I don't particularly find myself attractive enough to be fawned over by all these girls. But they do it anyway, even after I tell them I'm gay they continue to do it and again I don't want to be rude, so I just smile. I looked over at Bakura to see what his reaction would be and he was just staring forward not paying them any attention.
I wonder if he likes the praise ? That's when it dawned on me, I never asked Bakura about his sexual preference, or if he's ever been in a relationship before. The idea of Bakura being in a relationship left a sour feeling in my chest and I couldn't understand what it was.
"Whelp here we are." Bakura broke my thought as he opened the storage closet door and walked in, I followed after and looked around for the various colors we needed.
I wonder if I should ask now? Well, there's no time like the present.
"Hey Bakura?" I asked after grabbing two cans of red and yellow paint.
"What's up?" He replied as he tried to get some orange paint from the back of a shelf.
"Have you ever... been in a relationship before?" Bakura took a few seconds to reply, probably taken aback by my sudden question.
"No, all the emotional attachments seemed kind of troublesome to me, plus I never really found anyone I've been interested in, why?"
"Oh just curious." I was relieved to hear he hadn't been in a relationship, but the last part made me a little disappointed.
"Well have you?"
"No, I haven't found anyone I'm interested in either." Then I decided to ask another question.
"Do you have any preferences?"
"Preferences ?"
"Yeah you know, like would you prefer to go out with a girl, or a guy ?"
"Well I never gave it much thought but, I would be fine with anyone honestly, gender doesn't really matter to me."
"Oh ok" I couldn't help the slight hope that started to build up inside of me. Then I heard a loud bang from the side of me head and saw that Bakura slammed his hand against the shelf I was looking through, then I felt his hot breath on my ear, "Why the sudden interest?" He whispered coolly, I quickly turned around catching him smirking down at me, and I could feel my face heat up as I began to understand what he was implying, shaking my head frantically I said, "I-it's n-not the reason you're thinking ! I-I was j-just wondering !" Bakura began to laugh at my flustered being, which only made me blush harder, if that was even possible, "Relax I was only teasing" he said chuckling, "Well I think I have enough paint cans, I'll be heading back to the classroom." I huffed and began to walk out, "Alright, I think I'm gonna grab a few more and head back don't wait up !" He called after me still chuckling.
Humph, that Bakura always teasing me, he's so rude, and mean, and annoying, and cute, no ! Wait! I'm supposed to be mad at him rig-
"Yadonushi-San?" Upon hearing my name being called I turned around and quickly responded, "Yes ?" When I turned around, it was a very tall male student with light brown hair and piercing sapphire eyes, I remember him, he was that student Bakura had a fight with in the bathroom a few weeks back, I believe his name was... Kaiba Seto. Bakura told me he was the student body president, and also a real jerk, but what would he want with me?
"Sorry to have come up to so suddenly but I have an offer that you might be interested in."

Dun dun DUN !!!! Hey guys it's been a while 😅 sorry about not updating for so long, but with school, and drama and such it was just really hard trying to find the time and energy to write, but after seeing how many reads, likes, and comments this story was getting I couldn't let it go on anymore, I owe it to you guys to continue to write this story and finish it, since it's summer I'm going to updating a lot quicker, and all this positive feed back has given me some much needed motivation and more ideas for the story, but any way here's the new chapter, and what could Kaiba possibly want with Ryou, we'll find out next chapter, see you, and love you guys lots xoxoxoxoxoxox

Ying and YangDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora