SHOTGUN (complete compilation)

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The warm air lightly touches my skin as I wiped a thin film of sweat from my forehead. I almost forgot the reason I was here at school. Oh yeah, it's our Foundation Day and seniors are required to be in attendance. I sighed and shook my head. If I had not gone to school, I could have been asleep by now. It's a quarter past three and yet the school program hasn't started. I'm starting to get bored being alone in our gloomy classroom where numerous hauntings have been reported. I mentally laughed and shook my head. Why am I scaring myself? Silly me.

I stood up and took my bag. I dusted my uniform and headed out the door to look for someone to talk to. Now, where on earth would I find my mentally challenged cool friends? Maybe by the library, studying. But then, who in their right minds would be studying when you dan't have classes for a week? Maybe they're at the canteen, eating to their hearts' content. Or maybe, they're at the faculty, having a lively chat with our teachers, those little suckers. Or they must have gone home, and I'm forever alone.

I reached the mini-park behind our classroom building and sat there. I wrapped my arms around my legs and watched the little ants scuttle by my foot. I played with one, blocking its way with a little stick I picked up the ground. Now, I was seated facing the wall of our building, in case a classmate would wander about in our room.

Loud music was booming from the stage across the campus. So loud that I could even feel the rock I sit on throb to the beat. I heard faint footsteps behind me. I did not bother checking who was it since a lot of students usually pass this way.

The footsteps began to subside. They have gone to another direction. I looked up at our classroom window but then I never saw anything because everything went black.


When I said everything went black, I mean it literally. Some *insert offensive term here* one covered my eyes with a blindfold. Several hands took hold of my arms, unabling me to flail about. I opened my mouth and tried to scream but a hand clamped over my lips, muffling my sounds. They stood me up and lead me somewhere.

Several thoughts crossed my mind while I was being dragged. They would take me to their hide out and then force me to drink poison. When I'm dead, they would take my internal organs and sell them to the syndicates in a high price. Or they could have kidnapped me for ransom. But how can they echange me for money when my parents don't have a million? They could kill me instead.

My heart was beating wildly in my chest, so loud that I could hear my blood pounding in my ears. I can't die like this. Not now, when I haven't even confessed my love to him yet.

Who, you may ask?

Drew Webber, a really close friend of mine. I want to tell him how I feel but everytime I try to talk to him, my mouth goes dry and my heart would start palpitating. I'd have to run away from him to catch my breath.

SHOTGUN (complete compilation)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora