Chapter 2

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Taylor's POV

The rest of the crew had already arrived, and we were currently getting ready to paddle board. All of us had already changed into our swimsuits. All of us, expect Ed, that is. Somehow, when he packed his bag with everything he needed for paddle boarding - sun block, sunglasses, etc., he forgot to bring his swimsuit.  

"I knew I forgot to bring something." was all he said when he found out he didn't bring it, which only made me laugh harder.

We made our way to the water, where we were going to paddle board. My parents were sitting at the front porch, watching us. You could literally feel the tension in the air. None of them were talking very much.

I tried to ignore them, mainly because I don't like to dwell on my parents' affairs and problems. I was the first to start paddle boarding. I loved the water. I didn't know why but I did. Ed was next in line to start paddle boarding.

I couldn't resist to splash some cold water on him, as he prepared to go in. He squealed and I laughed hard. You had to admit, seeing Ed Sheeran squeal, was a funny sight to witness.

My friends and Austin got in next, and started to paddle along with Ed and I.

It was amazing fun, paddle boarding with them, and I felt really comfortable with them. But I did however, feel the slightest bit uncomfortable.  Reason being, I could feel Ed's eyes on me. From time to time, he would sneak glances at me, when he thought I wasn't looking. To top it off, I was wearing a bikini. I was starting to feel very self conscious.

Yet, I was feeling quite happy at the amount of attention I was getting from him. Does this mean he liked me too? I didn't know for sure. But I doubted so. After all, he told everybody we were just friends. And in the Everything Has Changed music video, it was all his idea to use miniature versions of ourselves, so that the public would stop thinking of us as a couple, and start realizing that we were just friends. Even though I desperately hoped that we weren't 'just friends'.

We paddled for a while after that, splashing at each other non stop. I did my best not to go too close to Ed. For one reason, paparazzi that might or might not be around the area, might take pictures of us together and get the wrong idea. For another reason, I was shy, scared, whatever you want to call it, to go near Ed.

Occasionally, I would go a tad bit closer to Ed, so that he would not think that I was avoiding or ignoring him.

I paddled over to Austin, and waved 'hello'. He waved back excitedly. Austin hardly ever came to my house, due to both our busy schedules, and our work. It was his first time paddle boarding as well, as we could never find a river big enough for us to paddle board before I bought this house in Rhode Island. AS he waved, he accidentally dropped his paddle into the river in the process. I chuckled at him.

He bent down to pick it up. Didn't work though. Instead of retrieving his paddle, he fell into the water. I burst out laughing, unable to contain myself, as did the others. He swam to the surface, and met with our laughing faces. He frowned, seemingly upset that we were laughing at him. After a while, he joined in with our laughter.

"Taylor! It's getting kind of late. You should call your friends in now." My mom told me, with a huge smile on her face. I nodded, and did as I was told to do.

I helped my friends out of the water, until only me and Ed were left in the water. Ed, being the gentleman, asked me to go first. I smiled at him. Then, I lifted my foot onto the ledge and started to pull myself out of the water and onto the ground. At that moment, my foot slipped and I nearly fell into the water.

Key word, nearly.

Ed reached out and caught me just in time. Somehow when he caught me, his arm ended up around my waist. And as I turned to thank him, my eyes locked with his blue eyes. I felt the heat rise up to my cheeks. I prayed that nobody noticed.

He realized the awkward position that we were in as well, and immediately steadied me, and moved his arm away. He looked around, hoping that there were no paparazzi around that may have taken a picture of us like that.

Luckily, there was some bushes and shrubs around that were blocking us. Everything was fine.

Everything, except for me.

I climbed out of the water and ran into the house, mumbling something about needing to pee. I swear I never ran that fast, ever.

I ran into the nearest washroom, and splashed cold water onto my face. The redness in my face didn't go away however much water I splashed on my face.

I slumped into the corner of the washroom. I was feeling so upset. Upset that Ed didn't know that I liked him. Upset that he didn't like me back. I just felt so frustrated. I felt a single tear spill from my eyes.

Just then, I heard the voice of one of my friends that came paddle boarding with me today. Lisa was her name. Out of my friends that came today, Lisa was my closest friend. She was calling my name, wondering where I was.

I stepped out of the washroom. "I'm here." I sniffed a little, trying to stop the tears that threatened to spill.

"Oh there you are. We -" She stopped short, saw my puffy eyes and red face, then continued, "It's Ed, isn't it?"

That was what I liked about Lisa. She didn't need explanations, and she just went straight to the point. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

She reached her arms out, and enveloped me in a bear hug. I hugged her back. Tears were falling fast and free now.

"Why not you go wash your face first, then come and eat? I'll stay overnight if you want, we could talk about it." Lisa said, her voice full of concern.

Once again, I nodded. "Please do Lisa. And thank you."

With that, I went back to the washroom, to wash my tear stained face.


I am so so sorry that I didn't update for so long. I've been busy. But don't worry, from now on, I will try to update once a week.

Also, I've only published this story for two weeks, and I already have 80 reads! Thanks so much guys :))

I love you all

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~Claudia xx

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