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@SimplyUnknown_0: Silence is the most powerful scream...

Purple jacket or pink? Purple, the sleeves are longer, match it with a few bracelets and nothing will be visible. No one will suspect a thing.

That is pretty much how every single morning goes for me, my cuts aren’t that deep but they are still visible. I don’t need every single person in school gawking at my arm and thinking I’m some fucked up weirdo.

Sorry, I’m Amy, Amy Berkley. I’m eighteen years old and I'm in Rosewood highschool. I’m a senior and it’s finally my last year. I have a huge reputation at the school, I‘m very popular but that's not what I want.

You make one wrong move and all eyes are on you. Every little bit of attention is always directed at you. I hate it.

Its not always fun being popular. You get judged by your each and every move. It’s crazy as fuck.

Everyone always discriminates me. ‘Yeah she’s a whore, she’s this and she’s that.’ What they don’t know? I’ve never had a boyfriend in my entire life, I never had sex, I never kissed a boy and I never even held a boy’s hand. So what the fuck was their problem?

I’d be fine if they judged and criticised me based on something I did, but I fucking didn’t do anything.

I came at a point in my life where everything just became too much for me, and I felt like I needed an escape, just for a little while you know?
So I cut for about three months, I don't do it as frequently anymore because I found another way to escape my stupid life. And along came Twitter.

I have this secret account on Twitter, it’s my escape, no one knows it’s me, and no one ever will.

Twitter was the only place where I could freely express how im feeling without me being worried of making a mess.

@SimplyUnknown_0: The world keeps testing me...


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