He walked over to the mini-bar and poured himself another shot of top shelf whiskey straight. Ben walked up to him and mixed up another vodka tonic for his fast becoming lady friend. Jared leaned on the counter, slowly sipping his whiskey, just regarding the smile that never left his friend's face. 

"Hey," Jared spoke up. 

"Hey," Ben replied. 

"What's with you and the witch?" Jared took another sip. 

"Oh," Ben stole a glance at Ondine who was now conversing with her friend Shey. "She's great! She's funny, personable...she's obviously gorgeous."

"And a witch," Jared also looked in the direction of Ondine and downed his shot before refilling once again.

"Hey, she's not. You guys just started off on the wrong foot. Anyway, I better go back there before she gets too thirsty," Ben raised his glass to Jared and sat back down towards a grinning Ondine.

Shey stood up from her seat when Lucas asked her to dance. Jared took this as an opportunity to walk over to where Ben and Ondine sat engrossed in their conversation. He was almost near them when a sultry blonde woman wearing a skintight, cleavage bearing red dress blocked his way.

"Hi, sexy. You were amazing. I've always loved drummers," she teasingly ran a red painted finger up his chest.

"That's nice," he said, bored.

"Well, I just think drummers are good at keeping rhythm," she purred in his ear, the double meaning of her words not lost on Jared. "I'm Svetlana."

"Svetlana..." Jared mimicked. "It's nice to have met you."

He moved to go around her, eager to get to his destination since he spied Ondine lean over to hear whatever Ben was telling her, his friend whispering into the woman's ear, his hand around her waist. He excused himself from the blonde, Svetlana's jaw dropped at the brush off. She was persistent though and followed him as he sat down next to Ondine, purposely sitting as close to her as possible, their arms and legs touching even though there was plenty of space. The action caused Ondine to look at him, her eyes visibly cloudy from the alcohol already. Meanwhile, Svetlana wedged herself in between the arm of the couch and Jared, causing him to get physically closer to Ondine. Ondine rose a little from her seat from being jostled, slightly sitting on Jared as she sat back down. She moved away from him.

"Sorry," Ondine said to Jared.

"No, you're good."

Svetlana tried to snuggle closer to Jared, which being as annoyed as he was, caused him to push against Ondine's arm, her drink she was holding spilling all over her. She screamed in shock and stood up, wiping at her romper with her bare hands.

"Gah, why did you do that?!" she screamed at Jared.

"I didn't do anything!"

"Oh really? Well what do you call this then?" she said while pointing to her wet clothes.

"An accident!" he glared at her.

"Tell Barbie over there to just sit on your lap next time if she wants to get closer to you. Or better yet, why don't you two get a room?!" she stomped away, finding Shey to tell her she'll just clean up in the bathroom.

Jared just looked at her in disbelief. She yelled at him in public, embarrassed him in front of all these people in the room. He stalked away angrily, following Ondine out of the room and down the hallway to the direction of the bathrooms. He caught up to her and grabbed her elbow, spinning her, causing her to stumble against his chest. Before she could yell at him again, he covered her mouth with his, his desire for her so strong, he didn't care if she would slap him afterwards. His tongue snaked inside her mouth, probing, searching, tasting. She stopped struggling against him soon enough and returned his kisses, allowed him to hold her closer against him. His hand moved to cup her bottom, his warm fingers grazing the skin up her shorts. She pushed him away, stared him in the eye, and raised her hand to slap his face. He caught her wrist before her hand can make contact. He backed her up against the wall, his own shirt getting wet from her wet romper.

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