Chapter 42- Return

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  Kaidus hovered high above the 11th ward. He had flown straight to Zorin Academy upon entering Ferrent. In the darkness, his cloak blended in with the night and concealed his descent onto the academy farmlands.

He did not know how long the trip was going to take when he first set off, but only 12 days have passed since he left on that night. The ryes should have just ended, and class will begin again tomorrow. Flying all night for all those days had worn him out, but he was happy that he made such good time.

"Rrrargar!" Zeeke greeted him as he stealthily entered the academy gates in the middle of the night.

"Shhh!" He attempted to hush the gate seer. Zeeke stopped and looked at him curiously. "I'll bring you something tomorrow. Please be quiet for now."

"Rarrrr!" it replied happily. The spirit hushed up and enthusiastically followed him as he made his way towards the west side of the academy as if to guard him, only stopping after he entered the lodging house.

*BANG BANG BANG!* Kaidus woke up to the sound of banging.

"Kaidus?" someone asked from the other side of his door.

Quickly putting on a new shirt and trouser, he made his way to the door. "Yes?" a familiar man stood on the other side.

"The headmaster would like to see you. Please see him in his studies." The man was one of headmaster Nylen's assistants.

"When am I to meet him?"

"As soon as possible. The headmaster will be waiting." having delivered the headmaster's summon, the man promptly took off.

'That old man...' He thought to himself.

Having not washed up after getting to his room last night, Kaidus refresh himself before donning a new set of clothes. Without a need to hide himself, Zion was back in ring form and on his finger. Kaidus made his way towards the marble building in the north side of the academy—where the perplexing headmaster was waiting for him.

'That note was a longshot, but surely he couldn't have realized what is going on... and I never mentioned when I would be returning, how did he know?' He wondered as he trudged across the academy grounds, pondering about the odd summon.

Passing through the doors of the marble building where the headmaster resides, an attendant led him to the old man's study.

"Headmaster, Kaidus is here." the attendant called out.

"Good, come in."

"You wanted to see me?" Kaidus asked, entering the room.

"Yes yes. Come and sit down." Headmaster Nylen motioned to the chair across from his desk.

Kaidus took the seat, unsure about the old man's objective this time.
First it was a night ambush, second was the council, then the invitation from the Mystiks guild, now this. Every time they met up, something was bound to happen.

The old man stacked his papers, then laid them down neatly onto the desk. "Did you have a productive leave of absence?"

"I did."

"Good. Glad to hear it." The old man brought up his earthen arm and intertwined it with his other, setting them on the desk. "Is everything okay?" the old man questioned, looking him in the eyes.

"Yes." Kaidus replied, confused at the question.

"Has anything strange happened around you?"

"No. Nothing out of the ordinary."

"Well, that's good to hear. I thought that with your sudden absence, something had come up." The old man replied, pulling out the note Kaidus had left with Zeeke.

"No. After our discussion, I took the time off in case my family might be in danger. Nothing's happened so far. Sorry for the sudden disappearance."

"I understand, and I'm glad nothing has happened." The old man smiled. "I called you here today, because I wanted to share some news with you and see if there was anything else you may have recalled since our last conversation."

"I've told you everything, headmaster. I don't see how I can be of any more help." Kaidus replied.

"I see..." the old man paused for a moment. "Here, take a look at these."

Headmaster Nylen pushed a stack of paper towards Kaidus.
The top of the stack was a picture of a man's face. Behind the picture was a report of the pictured individual, detailing who they are and what they've done.

A short haired man with well-groomed facial hair and hollow cheeks.

"Rasiur Vaethol, 47, Known Agent of Tal'hrus.... Apprehended twenty-six days ago in the outskirts of a small village that he and his team were burning to the ground... The Mystiks guild barely managed to get there in time to save a handful of survivors... Fifteen bodies found dead in the village, another twenty-four charred carcasses were excavated from the ashes: men, women, children... Objective is a silver mine recently discovered two turns ago by the locals.... With a group of ten that killed six members of the guild during their pursuit before being captured. Currently held in 12th ward's Mystiks guild. Interrogation is left with Master Luliene... "

One after another, he looked through the papers, etching their faces and deeds into his mind.
Murders, assassinations, trafficking, kidnapping, slavery, blackmail, senseless destruction, irrational killings, etc...
He seared everything into himself.

He stopped in front of a woman.
The women had a scar on her face, sharp eyes, and dark black hair.

"Elora Brile, 32. Agent of Tal'hrus.
Caught hiding in Ferrent's 7th ward: Soqu 28, Zanaeos 1250... killed herself before being captured." He stopped.
"Headmaster... This... is this correct?" He pointed to the date.


"This just happened days ago!?" He shouted in shock.

"Yes." The old man replied solemnly.

He quickly looked through the remaining pages and saw that the reports that came after the woman were all from Ferrent. Altogether, five agents were found in the common wards. Three killed themselves after being surrounded, while two were successfully captured and have been interrogated.
Kaidus stacked the papers then pushed them back to the headmaster.

"Do you recognize any of them?" The headmaster asked.

"I do not."

"I see. That's unfortunate." The old man began silently looking through the reports once again. "You see, after our last discussion, I sent letters to all three Mystiks guild... We did an undisclosed sweep throughout all of Ferrent, and those five agents were all we found."

"Is there something wrong with that?"

"Yes. The problem is, Tal'hrus never operates in such low number. Each agent is capable, but they always operate with more than enough people to secure the greatest chance of accomplishing their missions. On the off chance that there is strong resistance, it is convenient to be able to attack from various directions."

Headmaster Nylen pulled out a picture from the stack. It was one of the agents who had been captured. "Two days ago, this man here revealed that half their unit vanished along with their team leader while moving in to secure their target. He said six people stayed in Ferrent on stand by while another three returned to headquarters." The headmaster spoke while watching him. "Do you have any idea who or what their target was?"

"I'm guessing it was me?"

"I believe it was. The man did not know who you are, all he knew was that the group was after a young boy with healing magic."

... The room became silent.

"Kaidus..." The old man paused as if to recollect his thoughts. "I am going to ask you something, and I would like you to be honest with me." Headmaster Nylen spoke, looking him straight in the eyes. The usual atmosphere had vanished. The old man was very serious.

"Go ahead."

"Do you know what happened to those men?"

"No headmaster, I do not." a natural reply, unperturbed by the question that was too close to the truth.

"I see... sorry about that. You can go now."

"Then I will take my leave."

"Kaidus." the old man spoke as he got up. "Don't underestimate Tal'hrus. Just because they haven't done anything, does not mean they will stay that way. Be wary of your surroundings and those around you." The old man gave him one last warning.

"I understand."

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