The Blue Rose

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This is another "Season of the Witch" fanfiction. I hope you all like it. :)


"We'll take a break now." Behmen tells everyone.

The group has been traveling all day. The mountain path seems endless, and Severac feels no closer then when they had begun their journey three days ago.

Behmen and the other men chatter at the front of the wagon. Inside her prison, the witch-girl, Anna, stares out to the scenery of the forest, from which they had just barely escaped from. She lets out a sigh. the thought of arriving to the abbey puts an immense amount of stress on her. She knew the end was near, at least that's what she told herself. This was her last and only chance of ever being free of Him. The dark creature that lived within her shoul; and He took every chance to remind her of why she was accused of witchcraft, and why He wanted her to be delivered to Severac.

There is something on the ground that catches her eye. It is small, but it doesn't belong with everything else around it. She srawls to the other side of the cage to get a better look. In the long, light green patch of grass, a rose is blooming. It is fall; not the time of year for a flower like that to be blooming. And something is very special about the rose- it is a light blue. Anna is mystified by the color. Never before has she seen anything so unusual, so beautiful. Her eyes are locked on it, she cannot avert her gaze. Then she hears Behmen's voice.

"All right, let's get moving." he says.

From behind, Anna hears a horse neigh. Behmen walks in front of her.

"Wait." she calls to him.

Behmen glances over at her. He is blocking her view of the flower. she leans sideways and when she sees it, she points.

"That rose," she tells him, "give it to me."

Behmen looks behind him. He spots the rose, the looks back at Anna. she is still peering at it. Shrugging, he walks over and picks the rose. He inspeacts it; its blue shade interests him. When he has had his fill, he comes back over to the cage and hands the flwoer to Anna. She gently takes it from him. Behmen gets back on his horse.

The wagons tarts moving again. Anna's head bobs with the rythm of the cage. She twirls the beautiful rose. It speaks to her. Not with words, but she feels it is trying to send her a message. It says that everything will be okay. The road to Severac is dark, but light will be shed on it. There will be struggle, but every success must have its hardship. She smiles lightly.

She remembers when her mother had once told her a story about an unordinary blue rose that had been found long ago. Her mother explained to her that a blue rose signified something that was not meant to be. She thought her mother had made it up; there was no way a rose could be blue. But now Anna thinks differently. She has seen one with her own eyes.

"Something that is not meant to be." she mumbles to herself.

Perhaps it mean that He would not be able to plunge the world in arkness. Perhaps this is good luck. Perhaps... Perhaps she has no need to fear. If her woman's intuition is correct, then this flower is a sign from God that the dark forces are not allowed to destroy His beloved creations. She closes her eyes in thought, and lets out a relieved sigh.

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