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The cute wonderlandFluffy tagged me for this and yeah it's the first time that it's on english so have fun reading my broken english :')


A< age : 14

B< biggest fear : losing people I love; spiders; hair loss

C< current time : 01:06

D< drink you last had/are having : coffee

E < easiest person to talk to : one of my closest friends

F < favourite song : Solo by Jay Park *proudjayparktrash*

G < ghosts real or not? Real, why not

H< heritage : uhmmm...

I< in love with : food, photography, 2-3 korean men

J< (favourite) japanese sweets : pocky, mochi, yanyan, meiji and the kit kats there

K< kfc or burger king? Hm..kfc

L< last time you cried? Today

M< middle name : never going to talk about this cause my middle name sucks

N< number of siblings : i don't really have any

O< one wish : happines?

P< person you last called? my father

Q< question or answer? fooood ㅠㅠ

R< reason to smile : my ultimate biases, friends, music, dreams

S< song last sang? mommae by jay park

T< time you woke up? 06:23

U< underwear colour? black

V< dream vacation or destination? japan definitely. korea, china and usa would be nice too~

W< worst habit : stealing others food, forgetting my glasses and running against something, scratching on the table

X< x-rays you've had? the last time it was for my back, many years ago

Y< your favourite food? sushi

Z< zodiac sign? gemini


I tag

You don't have to if you don't want to do it

- sayonara *waving at you*

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