Chapter 4: I chose a very weird person to turn into

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Dinner was alright. I had changed into one of Jessica's many expensive dresses. This had seemed to please Mrs Hollister. 

The only thing I am worried about at the moment is school. It happened so that, that night I had read the instructions over and over again and had ended up memorising it. It said that if twenty or more people see the changed individuals, the changed individuals can get their own bodies back at night. 


As I made my way towards school in the morning, I noticed someone lurking near the bushes. On closer inspection, it turned out to be Jessica peering at me.

"Hi," she said, "how was last night?"

I nodded to show that my answer was affirmative. 

"Enough of the chit-chat. Let's get down to business."

Typical Jessica for you. Always straight to the point. 

"Okay," I found myself saying, " to change back, we need to let at least twenty people to see us in this form."

"Easy-peesy. The kids at school would do. Also, I hope you mix appropriately with my friends." 

"I'll try my best." 

By now we had reached the school gates. 

"I shall wait for you at your place after school," I mouthed. 


School was pretty much uneventful. But, I am certain that the required amount of people saw me and Jessica.  I waited for Jessica after school. When she had finally come, I let a greeting of welcome leave my mouth. She just nodded curtly to show that she'd heard me. 

I quickly filled her in on my previous thoughts and told her that we could turn back into ourselves that night. 

"Why don't you come over to your house? Besides, as I am sure you have noticed, my parents like to turn in early," explained Jessica.

"Works with me." 

"See ya then," Jessica said, before turning away and sashaying towards my home. 

I chose a very weird person to turn into.


Hi people. Another chapter done. This story will have about another 2-3 chapters. Stay tuned. Please read and review.


Riya :)

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