Chapter 3: What in the world?

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"WHO ARE YOU?" she shrieked, as soon as she saw me, "WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? AND.. AND .. WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE ME???" 

Man.. that girl's got some pair of lungs, eh? 

"Hello, Jessica," I replied evenly," I shall answer all your questions if, only, you let me in; this isn't something you would want to do outside."

Jessica just stared at me, dumbfounded, until, she let out a strangled sound- somewhere in between a sob and a sigh- it might have been a call for help; but I just took it as an invitation inside her house. 

After warming up my cold hands, I said,  "Jessica, you might- just might- find this a bit strange, but I am Nikki Stolls. Due to a 'teensy-weensy' experiment gone wrong, I accidentally changed into you."

"NO!" Jessica shrieked, "I can't believe you did that, YOU-YOU FOUL LOATHSOME, EVIL, LITTLE COCKROAch!"

The last part came out as a whisper because the most popular girl on the face of this universe had just changed into the most unpopular one. Yep! You heard me right, folks; Jessica had just changed into  me. 

After her transformation was complete said, "Fine, but remember, the only reason I am agreeing is because I wanna know how it feels to be an unpopular freak at school. Get me?"

I gulped. Jessica could make your life worse than hell, if she wanted to. 

"Ummmm... alright, I suppose," I replied meekly.

"Excellent," cue: her dark violet eyes gleamed maliciously, "don't you just love it when everyone agrees with you, hon? Anyway, back to business, I am making my way to the chicken coop you call a house. You go up to my dressing room and change into something waaaayyy more presentable than the rags that you are wearing at the moment.  And puh-leeeeeez remember that dinner is at half past seven- sharp. You shouldn't be a millisecond late. Got it?"

I nod fearfully. Suddenly it hits me, " Wait, does that mean that I'm staying here?" I gestured to Jessica's mansion.

"Don't be daft, of course." 

"Yeah. Of course." 


Hi guys! Please read and review. Tell me what you think. 


Riya :)

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