Flirting with Danger

Start from the beginning

A hand waves in front of my face abruptly, bringing the music to a halt and time starts to move at a regular pace, "Kat? You okay?" G laughs light heartedly.

"Yeah- sure just tired" is what I should have said- instead, "When you look at me time moves slow and everything goes pink and I hear a sappy love song in my head- to be exact it's A Summer Song- but only the beginning," I let roll off my tongue. My eyes widen as I realize what I just said, "I'm sorry I'm drunk and I'm word vomiting I think."

"It's okay," he half laughs, "wait here real quick, okay?" he asks with a smile before returning into his room for something. I almost say 'anything for you but' I keep my lips sealed. He comes out with a sweatshirt over his v-neck that fit around his toned arms perfectly making my pout slightly. "Let's get you back to your room, it's late."

"You could've just said goodnight Claude, I don't need an escort," I roll my eyes- now he was acting like one of the guys, "and I'm not your sister."

"First of all, who said anything about sleeping? And second, I don't think I'd ever be able to look at you like a sister so you don't have to worry about that," he says keeping his eyes forward, locked on the elevator.

"Oh thank god," I say aloud by accident causing G to laugh.

"To which part?" he asks as he places a sturdy hand on my back guiding me down the hallway keeping me from swerving.

"Both," I answer truthfully.

We get to my room quickly, and it only takes me about four tries to swipe into my room. "AhhhhhAAAAA!" I say with an evil snicker as it beeps green letting us in.

"Shhhhhhhh, you're not the only person on the floor," he rolls his eyes.

"Captain, did you just roll your eyes at me?" I ask as we push walk into the large hotel room, "someone needs a drink," I grin ear to ear, heading towards the mini fridge. I pull out an alcohol filled tiny bottle and toss it towards Claude- and by toss I mean I kind of sort of not really tossed it his way, causing him to run to catch it- and surprisingly he keeps it from hitting the floor.

I clap my hands together, "can you do any other tricks?"

"Very funny Katina," he says as he places the bottle on the dresser next to him.

"No way, you've gotta catch up with me," I point to the isolated bottle.

"Fine," he smiles, unscrews the lid and downs the liquid content easily. He moves to the lounge area of the room and makes himself comfortable on the couch, "so when is Tessy going to get back?"

"Probably never," I say through a struggling grunt as I take off one of my heels and toss it next to my bed,"she's gonna run away with Scott and," my other stiletto is pried off with a grumble, "get married. The two were dancing- getting all hot and heavy when I left." I grab the complimentary snacks from the counter and all the alcohol from the mini-fridge and unleash it all on the coffee table in front of Claude. He grabs a beer from the case next to him and I cock my head, "when the fuck did that appear?"

"I've had this the entire walk down here- wow you're drunk," G laughs whole heartedly. "Anyways, why'd you leave in the first place?" he asks, takes another small bottle of what I'm guessing is tequila and finishes it with ease.

"Honestly because the guys won't tell me what's up with Parker- I know they're hiding something," I plop down on the couch next to Claude.

I notice his hand clutch the empty container tightly and looks to the window, avoiding eye contact, "it's not that big of a deal, really."

"Am I going to have to get you drunk so you can tell me?" I ask with a devilish grin and he returns it quickly.


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