Chapter Three - These Idiots Don't Know How To React Normally + James Cameo

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"You should trash his classroom!" George Weasley, Fred's twin, spoke up.

"That is the worst idea I've heard in my life. You have detention!" Remus shouted at him and jumped, literally jumped, onto his desk. "I need an amazing idea that will make him regret saying he'd rather eat a rag than date me!"

The students stared in confusion and amazement as they watched their teacher stomp on his desk and rant about Sirius Black to them.

Lee leaned over to Fred and whispered in his ear, "He's totally in love with Black. They totally love each other. Do you think we'll be invited to the wedding?"

Fred shushed him and listened in on Remus' ranting.

Suddenly, Remus' gasped and hopped down from his desk, landing firmly on his feet. "I've got the best idea! Class dismissed!" Remus sprinted out of the classroom, leaving his students staring at the now teacher-less classroom in confusion.


Remus smirked at Sirius' classroom door before wiping his face clean of any expression and knocking on the door.

"Enter!" Sirius called, and Remus swung the door open with one hand, making sure he had the other hidden behind his back.

"What, have you come to apologize to me?" Sirius placed his hand on his heart, mock touched.

"Of course I have! I am so very sorry about calling you a scum bag! I should've never-" Remus suddenly swung his hand from behind his back, revealing a spray can of Febreze air freshener. There was a ziplock tied around the trigger and he quickly pulled it, leaving it to where the Febreze was spraying without him pulling the trigger. He threw it at Sirius, grabbed the extra out o his pocket, and repeated his previous action.

Remus quickly exited the room as it began to smell like the disgusting citrus smell from the can of freshener.

"Remus!" A shout came from behind the door and it could have only been from Sirius, so Remus ignored it.

A wave of coughing and laughter also came from the room and Remus smirked, knowing he was the one that caused it.

"Mr. Lupin, what are you doing outside of your classroom?" The voice of McGonagall showed up out of nowhere and Remus immediately lost his smirk.

"It's my break!" He squeaked, knowing she's going to found out what just happened and perhaps murder him.

"Why are you standing right next to Mr. Black's door, smiling like a fool?" She asked him and he knew she caught him red handed.

"I'm.. not?"

Sirius' door flew open and the devil himself crawled, literally crawled, out of the classroom, gasping dramatically for air. "McGoogoo! Thank god you're here! Remus just attempted murder! All of my students are witnesses! He poisoned the air, trying to murder me for being nice to him!"

Remus rolled his eyes and glared at Sirius. "I tried to kill you?! You put cyanide on my Pringles! I can call the police!" He shouted, pointing a finger toward Sirius, who had just stood up, brushing the dirt from the ground off of him.

"You threw arsine into my room! You would've killed me and my students if I hadn't made us immune to it months ago!" Sirius screamed in reply, stepping forward closer to Remus.

"That's probably not even possible!" Remus yelled, edging closer as well, unnatural anger coasting through his veins.

"It totally is, because we totally did it!" Sirius held his arms out, probably to shove or completely murder Remus when McGonagall was in between them, pushing them both back.

"Enough, there are children present! You are both so immature and clearly in love!" McGonagall shouted, glaring at them both when they opened their mouthes to argue. "You're lucky I'm not giving you both detention!"

"He started it." Sirius muttered under his breath and turned around, only to run into a fellow teacher who was watching the entire scene unfold, while smirking.

"JAMES! How long have you been there?!" Sirius shouted and took a step back.

"Long enough to see that you were totally about to make out with Remus!" James said, chuckling.

"We were not going to make out!" Sirius and Remus both shouted at the same time, glaring at each other.

"I absolutely hate that guy!" Sirius adds, and Remus feels like he's not going to be able to stop himself from killing the horrendous teacher.

"The feeling is mutual." Remus deadpanned.

"Whatever you say..." James said and spun on his heel, leaving Sirius, Remus, and McGonagall alone.

"Can you not include your students in immature little battle? Please?" McGonagall asked the both of them.

"If he does too." Remus immediately said, scrunching his eyes at Sirius in distaste.

"Yeah, whatever." Sirius agreed angrily and crossed his arms.

"Both of you, go back to class." McGonagall told them, and they went separate ways.

McGonagall watched as Sirius stomped angrily into his classroom, and smiled.

teachers // wolfstar au [REVISING]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang