Partners: Frostbite!

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The blizzard blew in with vengeance, buffering the two wizards with fierce winds and pelting them with ice. Juvia struggled to help Gray walk, but as he became weaker, she had to bear the majority of his weight. She couldn't see past arm's length and weariness promised to consume her with each step. Only the mantra ringing through her mind--get Gray to safety--gave her the strength to push on. She stopped scanning for caves, using all her energy to trudge through the endless mountain range. 

Gray whispered something, but the wind snatched the words away.

"We'll be safe soon darling, don't worry." Juvia continued on.

"Juvia..." Gray tried again.

" What is it? Is your wound bothering you?" Juvia wanted to stop and check his makeshift bandaging, but she was afraid if she set him down, neither of them would be able to get up again.

"You're... exhausted..." Gray managed. 

"I'll be fine."

"We need to stop," Gray said as firmly as he was able.

"We'll die without shelter... I'm sure there's a nice cabin right around this corner." Juvia promised deliriously. 

"Put me down Juvia."

"Never!" Juvia hissed. "I'll save you... just like you've saved me." However, with more strength than Juvia had thought he had left, Gray pushed her away and fell to the ground.

"Gray!" Juvia exclaimed with alarm. She turned to look, terrified that Gray had finally lost consciousness, but he was sitting up, and his hands were in position to perform magic. "Gray no if you use magic, you won't be able to heal or preserve your wound. You're practically drained already, you'll have to tap into your life force."

"We need shelter." Without further argument, Gray used his magic to clear the snow from a patch of ground surrounding them. He then created a basic three wall structure of slabs of ice, effectively blocking out the wind, and all but the faintest light. 

"Gray," Juvia asked quietly, terrified of the answer. "Are you alright?" 

"Just... give me a minute... I have to reseal my injuries, but I'll survive."

Juvia sighed in relief and collapsed on the ground. Although she couldn't make out much of anything in the near complete darkness, she could tell their little shelter was barely large enough to accommodate the two of them sitting up. Juvia leaned back but let out a squeak when her back hit a frozen wall.

"Sorry, I'll make it bigger in a few hours when I have more strength. Until then..." Gray inched closer, feeling his way in the dark. He carefully maneuvered Juvia and himself until he sat with his back against the wall and Juvia between his legs. She was able to lean against him instead and relished in the warmth he provided.

"Are you sure you'll be alright with your back to the ice Gray?"

"Ur didn't train us with half measures. This is nothing, don't worry about it. Besides, it will help numb the pain a bit."

"I'm so sorry Gray," Juvia whispered, near tears.

"Shh, I'd do it ten times over in a heartbeat. Now get some sleep." Juvia entered a dreamless rest, comforted by the arms of her love around her. 

When morning came, Juvia was disappointed to find that Gray was no longer beside her. He must have gained some of his strength back while she slept though because their icy shelter had become considerably larger. She stretched and realized Gray was no where to be found. Terrified he might have become stranded or attacked during the night, Juvia sliced a hole through a wall, and dashed outside.

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