Spring break

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Beep beep
Ah I thought I broke that alarm clock . You did sweetheart but mama got you a new one so get up and get dressed it the last day of school, my mother said ,K i say then get up. So I get up connect my gold iPhone 6s to my speaker and but on some Beyonce diva then I hop into the shower. I get out and get dressed ( above ^) I blow dry my hair then curl it then did my make up I was focuse on it I didn't see Toby watching me. Hey toby, I said hey Lina he said, so what do you want , oh I wanted to know if you will still go out with me, Toby we can't and if my dad found out he will kill you, I know but I want to be with you again , maybe you should have thought about that before you got into the gang Toby , you knew that if you join I would have to stop seeing you I know I just can't think about you , I miss you Lina, look I have to go Toby talk to later I grab my phone and my mk purse and car keys.
Oh here come the adopted child, Macy said I just flip her the finger, Angelina reign Acosta my father yelled , yes vapi what are you wearing uh clothes go change what no honey leave her alone you look beautiful princess, go change I don't no guys to look or talk to you me because they only want one thing from you me mama and vapi say at the same time vapi you don't have to worry I'm still innocent girl lair my brother Daniel walk in with Toby ugh, LINA ,vapi don't listen to Daniel I bet he still innocent , I leaving to school bye ,love you my baby girl my father yell after me when I get into my mustang and take off to school which I'm late already thx dad

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