"No objections" they say in unison again.

"Kira, deaths by accident, by disease, designated times of death. Its all just as we suspected. We were right." Light says looking down at Ryuzaki.

"No unfortunately we can only be completely sure after those people they've named are dead. We will continue to monitor these meetings and take note of what they say how they act. And most importantly whether the people they choose actually die. If we can confirm the connection between their plans and the deaths. Then we will definitely be able to catch Kira."

"Ryuzaki!" Light and Mr. Yagami say at the same time.

"What is it?" Ryuzaki asks looking from one to the other. "There is no need to yell in unison."

"I cant carry on knowing these people will die!" Light speaks up. "That's just immoral!"

"Right!" His dad agrees. Sighing I turn and go up the stairs ignoring the rest of it. It was all just too.. Predictable at this point. Walking onto my floor I shove a couch so it is facing the window then setting down in Indian position upon it looking out of the window at what I can see of the city and the sky. Last week was a nice change of pace I had to admit but I need to get outside, and more importantly I need to get that note book from Higuchi.


"We will only get into further arguments if we don't act separately. I think this is for the best." Ryuzaki says as he continues putting sugar cubes into his cup.

"Are you saying you are going to find out who kira is by any means necessary?" Dad asks.

"Yes, this case will never be solved unless we capture kira himself. don't get me wrong I'm not saying that preventing more deaths is pointless. But if we don't uncover the entire truth once and for all. Kira will only appear again and the number of victims will continue to increase. That's why I find it more important to find out who Kira really is. As I've been saying I am opposed to arresting those seven men. If you want to do so then you will have to take responsibility for them." He gets up. "I will pursue Kira on my own. We only have one month. I wonder who will succeed." He says as he walks away. I follow him just to keep an eye on him.

"Ryuzaki where are you going?"

"To Amane's room. Sorry but I don't want you to come with me." he says before continuing his way up the stairs. I stop watching after him. Damn him! Saying that I cant follow I can only keep an eye on him from down here!


"Long time no see Rem." I say as I feel him come into the sitting room my smile hidden.

"Everything is going as you had planned Kira."

"Yes, I know. In less then a month it will be time to proceed to the next step. But, L is still suspicious of Misa, no matter what you cant let her know about you or the death note. The current one parading as Kira will soon be dead so anything he says don't worry about."

"I remember."

"Good. And I mean it Rem, no stealing a piece of the death note and showing yourself to Misa, she needs to stay as normal as possible and her acting sucks. Soon she will be able to live a peaceful life away from death and misfortune. She will be happy."

"I hope so."

"You have done well Rem." I look back to him and give him a gentle smile. "She is lucky to have you watching over her." I watch as rem's eyes widen as he looks down at me. Before I lay down on the couch with my arms behind my head letting the moonlight cover me. "I have almost completely mastered it. Soon I will be able to be outside again and feel the sun kiss my skin."

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