the spooky spook cavenr

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"ok how do we get through this mountian"  john cena ask, it was morning now

"well we could hire a tour guide" anthony mark say

"is that a thing" craig ask

"no of corues not" cena reply and look at antoony mark with a >:( face but anthony mark was n ot even caring. "ok we're going to have to fight our way through and maybe catching more pokemon."

"but the next gym is water wont anthony mark be okay"

cena just look at his charmenlion, they all remembered that anthony mark died in o.5 socnonds in the gym battl.

"fuck u cena" anthony mark say and they going into mount moon.


"are we there yet"


"are we there yet"


"are we-"

"absolutely not anthony mark we are not there yet."

"ugh i hate this place"

they had beening walker for at least ten seconds and anthony makr was just very upset. it was cold and dark and no place for an oddish to be and he did not deserve this type of treatment.

"if you're so upset why not just get inside a pokeball like craig did." cena would not mind a little bit of peace and quite.

"?? no that would be admiting defeat" anthony mark say and they walk continuely in silence. 

after a while though but not a long while they hear noises.

"wht the hecky" cena say

"Hey there how are you I am a friendly neighborhood Zubat and you all seem very lost and afraid and wanting to leave so maybe I can getting you out of here really easy if you want to get out of here I can do that for you maybe."

"say no, this one talks too much." anthony mark say.

"anthony markdont be so rude."

"Your trainer is correct you should be a little nicer that would be a nice thing to do and I would like that a lot if you would do that also have you thought about my offer I would love to let you follow me through the cave so I can help"

"wow" anthony mark say

"ok" john cena  say "helping us out"

and so they continu through the cave while the chatty zubay continued to talk and talk and talk and talk and cena was sure he knew the zubats whole life story by the end of it

"And then I went to Zubat school where we all learned about how to be a good Zubat but I didn't really like the things they taught us they said we had to annoy all the trainers but I just wanted to help trainers and other Zubats would laugh but now I am helping and it's great!"

"i don't know how much longer i can stand this" anthony mark complapin and even cena was a little annoyed

"I never thought I'd actually be able to help a human usually when they see Zubats they run away and-" The zubat stop

"oh thank arceus"

"is something wrong?" john cena ask

"I thought I heard something but I don't know what it is and whatever it is it does not sound good and I would like to check it out but I understand if you do not want to."

"no thats okay someone might be in trouble"

"u g h p l e  a s e" anthony mark was so mad.


"stand down" say someone muffled voice when the cena and pokemon reach the voice the zubat was talking about "you do not want to facing me!" 

"shut up u baka you cant hurting pokemon like this."

obviousl there was something goign on here so cena speed up and run and see the girl from the opkemon center fighting some weird man

"u are a fool to chalenge th e might of tema rocket!"

"what the fuck is this dumb man doing" anthony mark say

"i dont know but we must help!" joohn cena say qucik and he run to the battle where a rattata and male nidoran were an fighting and they were really going at it.

"using the hyper fang!" the girl say and the nidoran run and attack the ratatatatatatata and it fall 

"what!? and who are u !?" the weird man say looking at cena " i will end u ah" and then he trun away with his raty and run.

"Wow that was amazing how did you doing that he just ran away really fast great job and thank you too random girl also we should be leaving I don't hear any other weird things."

cena look at girl and just kind of nod to her? and they go.

when they reach end of cave it was evening and cena say goodbye to the girl but then say 

"wai what is ur name"

"me>? watashi am miku arigaty for ur help you are not an baka."

cena supris "thank.." and she go.

"Wow that was a very nice girl and thank you John Cena that was your name right my name is Emily by the way I really like you and not so much your Oddish but I would like to come with you if that is okay with you you know if you don't mind." The zubat flap wings 

"PLES GOD NO" anthony mark yell and want to die.

"okay" cena say 50% becasue it would pisso fff anthony mark.

so emily go with the cena crws and they contunue to ceuraln city.

this was a long ass chap kids especially for this trainwreck.

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