Cena meetss a girl

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"helo and welcome to the pokemon sinter, can i take your pokemon?" The nurses joy say and cena return craig to his bol and get pokemon heal. As he waited with a compltelt blank face there was a group of people behind him summoning the devil with a gogoat sacrifice. what did you think pokemon sinter was a joke? no, we're summoning some nasty stuff. 

"Thank." John Cena say when pokeballs are returned. He turn around to leave ignoring the summoning. but as he walk out door he run into something! no... someone!!

"ow" voice say and someone fall to ground. "baka"

cena look down and surpise

long blue hair in piggy tails. wow, cena thinking. she an pretty.

"i am sorry" cena say and help the somone to her feet. "r u hurt??"

the girl look at cena. cena realize it was girl frm gym! she blink "watashi am ok" she whispering 

"oh ok good." and cena leave. he was so streesed out from the pretty that he just leave. 

"wow u suck at girls"

"shut your mouth anthony mark" 

the oodish had been listning to conversation from his pokeball and was very laughings about it. 

"he is right"


the pokemons laughed. 



cena make a startled noise.  "who!?" 

it was a boy. a small boy. john cena flicked him away and stole his money. "god damn kids."

they continue down the route and fight trainers, craig and anthony mark were growing the ups real quick.


"this is mt moon." anthony mark say standing outside of the pokemon center. "it connects pooter and cerulan city and is very dark and scary and filled with fucking zubats. damn zubarts hate them."

"isnt that a little racist?" craig ask

"do you expect social comentary from a pokemon fanfiction"


"let's go rest up before we go in" cenA SAY IT WAS GETTING DARK.


JOHN CENA POKEMON ADVENTUREWhere stories live. Discover now