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Day 1

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Day 1


Day 2

"SAMAYRA WILLIAMS! why did you do that?"

Day 3


Day 4


Day 5

"I'm sorry ma'am, you had to feel embarrassed because of my daughter" Dad said calmly but anger evident in his voice.

"It's just not today Mr. Williams. Samyra has been causing us problems ever since she has joined the school! We have been forgiving her all this while since she is the daughter of a respectable person like you but we can't continue sparing her every time" principal complained. What a complain box she is!

I just stood behind Dad, with my hands on my back, sending death stares at Mrs. Stevenson.

"I'm sorry but we can't keep your daughter in this school any more" she continued. I rolled my eyes as I listened to her.

"It's okay ma'am. Me and my wife have decided to send her away to London for a year, in boarding. Hope she gets better then" Dad said sighing.

"What?" I immediately spoke up. "Ah, Samyra. Please shut your mouth for now" Dad groaned.

"Dad! Where did that come from?" I asked ignoring his request for me to keep quiet.

"Samyra" Dad gave me a disapproving look and turned back, resuming the talk with my principal.

"Thank you so much ma'am" my dad stood up from his seat and grabbed my arm, before dragging me out of the office, to our car.

The whole ride back home was silent. I was very annoyed with mom and dad for not telling me about their plan of sending me off.

As soon as the car came to a halt, I jumped down from it and stomped towards the door of our house.

I pushed the bell and waited for someone to open the door. Tyler, my brother opened the door and smiled brightly at me before coming forward to hug me but I pushed passed him.

I threw my bag on the ground and slouched on the couch grumpily. "Hey! What happened to my baby sister?" Tyler said taking a seat beside me. He placed his hand on my lower thigh and rubbed it but I spat his hand away.

"Don't even start Ty!" Mom huffed. I rolled my eyes. "But what's wrong?" Tyler asked.

"Today your so called baby sister...." and she narrated the whole story the same way principal had.

Tyler listened and gave me a sorry look. "Okay now enough. Myra I advise you to go start packing for London. You are leaving on the day after tomorrow" Dad said.

"I ain't going anywhere" I said with a glare and stood up to go to my room. "Well you don't have a say in it. Your willingness or unwillingness to go doesn't change the fact that you leave for London the day after tomorrow" dad coldly said.

"But why do I have to? Can't I just stay here?" I asked. "It's for your good Myra. We are your parents, we will always think about your good" Mom said.

"Why didn't you guys tell me that you are sending her away!" Ty grumbled. "We didn't feel the need to, Ty. And moreover you were busy with Allison regarding the marriage thing" Mom told him.

Allison, my brother's fiance soon to be wife. They were getting married in a year. Wait does that mean "Wait does that mean I don't get to attend my own brother's wedding?" I questioned.

"You don't have any choice, Myra" mom said. "Mom what the hell? She's my sister! She has to be in my wedding!" Tyler yelled making me flinch from his sudden outburst. He loved me very much and was very possessive about me. You are a dead meat if you even touch me without my permission.

I was 7 years younger to him, maybe that's why we were more close to each other. He's 26 and I'm 19.

"Language Tyler" Dad gave him a glare. "Moreover that is the reason why we are sending her off. We don't want any problems in your wedding" Dad said.

"But Dad she is my s-" dad cut him off "Save that son! She is going to London and that's my final decision. I don't need anymore rambling about it" he declared.

By that time I was almost in the verge of tears. But when I felt like bursting out, I ran up to my room and locked it.

I sat down against the door and wailed. How harsh can a person behave on his own daughter? I know I did a few mistakes, okay not a few, many mistakes but this punishment was way too hard. Sending me away from my own family to some unknown place, I didn't even have any idea about. What if someone does something to me? Tyler won't be there to protect me there. Oh yeah self defense would be the last option then.

Suddenly I heard a knock, which snapped me out of my trance. "Myra?" I heard Tyler call.

I sighed and got up to open the door. I smiled weakly at him before turning away. He closed the door and sat where I was sitting a while ago. He motioned me to sit beside him and I did as told.

I hooked my arm with his and rested my head on his well built muscular shoulder.

"Hey baby girl! I promise I'll come over to meet you very often" he cooed, hearing my snuffles.


"Promise. I bring your favorite homemade chocolate chip ice cream too, that I make? Then you won't have to miss it?" he said making me chuckle.

He was the best brother in the world. God! How will I stay away from him for a whole year when I hardly stay away from him for an hour or so.

"Fine. But miss me okay? Don't get too busy with Ally" I told him. He sighed "If only I could keep you here forever. Myra, trust me, you won't have any idea how much I'm going to miss you. You are an idiot, I agree but I still love you" he said, his voice felt like he was trying very hard not to cry.

"I love you too" I said and hugged him. My tiny figure getting shielded with his muscular ones.

My head rested on his chest as it rose and fell rhythmically. We stayed like this for god knows how long. This was perhaps the last brother sister talk we have in a while.

I fell asleep like that and he tucked me to bed before leaving the room.

So people back with a Shailene Woodley and One Direction fanfiction, because I just love them together. Anyways, how was the prologue?

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