New Alpha Training

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My name is Hunter Gerrard, and I am a werewolf. Future Alpha to be exact. My dad is sending me to some stupid boarding school to, "Experience the World." Yeah sure. This boarding school sounded weird. Granite Oaks Institute. I just was happy to get away from my six brothers and two sisters. I'm the oldest. I have dirty blond hair, and brown eyes. When I'm in my wolf form, I have brown fur, and yellow eyes. 

"Hunter! Are you ready to leave?" My dad yells up.

"Yeah!" I say as I grab my stuff and walk down the winding staircase. I drop my stuff near the door, as my family comes to say goodbye. My dad said that when I get back i would have enough experience to become the Alpha of the strongest and largest pack in the world. The Austrian Pack. 

"By Dad. See you in four years." I say my voice laced with sarcasm.

"Have fun, and stay out of trouble." My mom says walking over to hug me with my baby brother in her arms. My baby brother, Tyson, grabbed my sunglasses. I quickly grabbed them back, he has a habit of breaking them. 

"Bye Ty. Be good. And no biting people." I say messing up his hair a little. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the door and placed everything in the trunk of my dad's Range Rover. I got into the front, and my dad got into the driver's seat. We got there in two hours. I grabbed all my stuff and walked away from the car. 

"Hunter remember, no interactions with vampires." He said in my ear.

"I know Dad." I say as I walk away and into the building. My dorm was 223. I got there, and noticed that my roommate had gotten there shortly before. I quickly unpacked everything and made my bed. Then I headed to the commons area. That's were everyone was going. I walked out and smelled all different types of creatures. Including vampires. 

I walked over to a vending machine and got a soda. Then I walked over to a tree, I noticed a guy sitting under it.

"Hey. I'm Hunter." I say

"Bane. Bane Asfur." He said

"Sorry, Hunter. He doesn't like to talk much. He likes to read. A lot." A girl says. I look up. She looks my age, but she was hot. She wasn't my type though.

"Cara. Shut up." Bane says

"You should at least try and make some friends." She said sitting in between us.

"that's my really annoying sister." Bane said looking at me.

"Yeah, if I'm annoying your a lot worse." She said her eyes kind if flashed, but they turned back to icy blue. 

"Are you a, you know, demon?" I asked because I had read about them before, but never met one.

"Are you a werewolf?" She asked

"Yes." I said quietly.

"Then yes." She said.

"Who's your Dad?" I asked

"Damon. My mom is Danielle." Bane said

"Who?" I ask, I had heard of that name but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"The Devil." She said, "What about you?" 

"Noah. Alpha of the Austrian Pack." I say.

"I've read about your family. You aren't someone to mess with." Bane said looking back at his book.

"Did you realize that there are all types of creatures here. What dorm number are you?" I ask

"224." Bane said.

"I'm 223." I say

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