Judy's ears dropped at the words that came out of her husband's mouth. Tears sprang to her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.

She narrows her eyes, staring hard into Nick's green ones. "I'm not giving up." Her nose twitched in determination.

"Neither am I," Nick replied, softly, "but it's late. We gotta get the kids and head home. Gideon's probably worn out."

Judy sighed in defeat and hung her head low. Nick was right. No one can keep her kids in line except for her and Nick. She hoped Gideon was alright. Her kids are a haste, but combined with Gideon's kids? Ha! They're like a storm.

Judy gave Nick the keys and walked around to the passenger's seat. It was only five steps, but with each of those five steps her tears formed rapidly and she was ready to burst.

Once they were in their car Judy immediately burst into tears. Nick expected this, and quickly wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to him so she could cry in his shoulder.

"Shh, everything will be okay." He assured her, but he also seemed to be assuring himself. He rubbed Judy's back, whispering soft words as she cried.

"Where could she be, Nick?" Judy asked once she calmed down a bit.

Nick wished that he knew. They didn't search exactly everywhere, but they did search all the places that she could have been at. He just hoped that she's safe wherever she's at.

"I don't know, Judy," he answered, "She's probably at home right now wondering where the heck everyone is at."

Nick knew better than to give her false hope, but what else could he do? He didn't want to upset her, and himself, anymore than what they already were.

Judy lifted her head from Nick's shoulder, sniffling, and didn't bother to wipe her tears away. She hated when animals see her cry. It made her feel vulnerable. However, right now she didn't care. Her daughter was missing!

"And what if she isn't?" Judy asked. She swallowed hard and feared the worst. Never in all of Nick's life has he ever seen her so...negative.

"Nick, if she's not home tomorrow...you know what that means, right?"

Nick forced a nod. Yeah, he knew all too well what that meant. It means that she's been kidnapped or she ran away. She's a missing animal. Tomorrow, if his daughter isn't home, he and his wife are going to report a missing animal. There is no waiting period, but just in case they'll give their daughter until sunrise.

Nick doesn't believe for one second that his daughter would run away. He also doesn't believe she's been abducted. Not because it isn't possible, deep down that seems to be the only other option as to what happened to her, but because he refuses to acknowledge the fact that some sick bastard has his daughter in their clutches.

Judy began to cry again. "She's been kidnapped Nick! I just know it! She would never run away. Her being kidnapped is our only other explanation."

Nick pulled Judy away from him and placed his paws on her cheeks, holding her head gently so she could look a him. Her eyes were red, and her face was wet. Nick wiped her tears away, feeling his heart break.

"We..." His voice cracked and he quickly cleared his throat. "We're gonna find her. The Shrew family and the ZPD are going to help us. Plus, we're the best cops Zootopia has ever had. We have busted so many animals, and...and if Snow has been abducted we'll bust whoever has her too."

Judy nods, letting out a shaky breath as she leaned against one of Nick's paws that were still placed on her cheeks. She gripped both of his wrists and leaned forward to touch her forehead with his.

Zootopia: Snowfall (CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now