Chapter 16: Mission Part Three: Saya vs Saskue!

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I clenched my teeth together against the pain in my arm. My eyes squeezed shut and my cheek pressed against the cold ground. Saskue continued to press my arm upward.

"SENSEI!" I screamed out not able to take the pain anymore. " gomen Saskue-sensei!"

Saskue hn'd and let go. I let out a breath of releaved air. Mom and dad wouldn't have been happy if I'd broken my arm fighting already...

"you shouldn't bait you opponent Say-" Saskues lecture was intupted by my fist making contact with his jaw.

Saskue-tato fell back onto his butt his eyes slightly widened in shock, but mostly he was glaring.

"and you shouldn't have let your gaurd down during a fight!" I glared back getting to my feet. "and you really shouldn't underestimate me! This fight just got serious!"

I charged forward, but Saskue-tato flashed away. I glared at the spot he'd been before and skidded to a stop, listening carefully. The sound of whooshing air alerted me to an incoming Shidiken. I ducked to the left slightly narrowing my eyes.

"Saskue-tato! Stop babbieing me!" the way the Shidiken was moving it never would have hit me, it might have scratched me and cut a bit of my hair... But that was it.

Saskue chuckled quietly and I turned to face him. His eyes were back to there normal onyx color. My heart clenched and I shifted a little uncomfortably under there gaze. The color was so close... It was painful to look at.

'get a grip Saya..' I thought to myself. I looked at Saskues feet. I would follow his movements that way.

|| Saskue ||

I'd lost my temper. Poor Saya had taken the brunt of it. I knew I wasn't ready to menor these kids.

Something flashed deep within Saya eyes. It almost looked like regret... Her gaze quickly dropped my feet.

What the hell?

"Saya. Look at me." I barked out.

Saya looked up slowly, but by the time her gaze met mine again she'd put on a poker face..

"attack" I ordered. Saya moved at an incredible speed, but according to naruto she'd basically been training with that her entire life. My ANBU ninja arn't slow and this child had out run them on many occasions.

Her fists and feet lashed out. I countered each but didn't return any. I wanted to see how long she could go.

After about fifteen minutes she started to slow a little. Every time she'd catch my gaze her fist would gain a little more power and her feet would swing a little faster.

"gra!" she let out a small growl before her fist slipped around my arm and smashed right into my face.

|| P.O.V. Saya ||

I hit him! I silantly had a party in my head.

I stood up streight my entire body rocked back and forwarth as I panted. Anger burned thew my body again, lighting my senses on fire.

Saskue smirked and shook his head slightly.

"lucky shot..." he stated.

"it wasn't lucky you just got careless and started daydreaming. I told you this fight got serous!" I growled back.

Saskue rolled his eyes. I took a stop forward but Saskue-tato just shook his head.

"I don't need to see anymore you get a six" he said.

A six? I narrowed my eyes at him.


"because you work off of anger." he turned towards Amy-chan and smirked.

"your this teams strongest member. Keep that in mind. You three meet me infront of the K.I.A stone at four tomarrow for your first official mission from the hokage. Dismissed." he said before flashing off.

I could almost feel the steam coming out of my ears. "SASKUE-TATO YOU GET BACK HERE AND I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S A SIX!!!" I shouted

Amy-chan giggled and grabed my hand. "come on Saya-chan Ren-San invited us for Ramen!"

I grumbled but dropped the issue for now. Food was just to good to pass up, but next time I saw Saskue-tato I was going to show him what a six really was.


So I disided to add some jappanese into the story xD





I have a new story!! The Uchiha Curse xD I'll put the description belong if it interests you feel free to read!!

Description: (copy and pasted)


This, dear reader, is the story of Kasai Uchiha, and her life after she died.

Saskue has joined Orochimaru, and the snake couldn't be more thrilled. He looked forward to obtaining the boys body and unlocking the secreats of his sharagun. But Saskue isn't as obidant to his master as Orochimaru's other pets... He constantly speaks out of turn and refuses many of the missions he's assigned. Desperate to tie Saskue to him Orochimaru brings him something he couldn't find anywhere else. The life of an Uchiha who died many years before...

Ok so if you hadn't noticed this chapter was kind of rushed I have so many cool ideas!! So I'm kinda anxious to get to them butttt all in good time my friends!!

So ya let me know xD untill next time <3333333

A New LeafOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora