Chapter 3

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I hung up the phone and threw it back into the pocket of my medical jacket. I swear that kid needs to stop being so hard headed. I walked back to the room where Darius' patient was at. She was still asleep, so I checked her jacket project to grab her I.D. Her name is Megan, a human sophomore, she's a member of the the blood donors, a brand new one.

Blood donors are the source of the school's blood bag for the vampires and their hybrids. They may be bitten, but only during the daylight hours in the infirmary where we can closely monitor the blood loss. I definitely need them around for my job and also my species. I am a vampire and elementalist hybrid, just like Darius, my element is ice unlike his darkness. We're very rare, but we have to stick together to preserve our species.

I heard Megan's heart rate start to increase, meaning she was waking up. "Hello, is anyone home? Megan, how are you feeling?" I got a slight murmur that sounded like uhuh.  I slightly shook her shoulder to try and wake her up fully. "Megan, you need to wake up for me sweetie. I need to finish my examination."

"A couple more minutes." She said really sloppily.

"I'm sorry, but nap time's over."

"Okay, Fine." She turned over and opened her eyes, rubbed them, then squinted them from the bright room lights. "Thank you." I said as I checked her eyes for dilation. I sighed; good they're dilating correctly. "Can you sit up please? I need to take a small blood sample from your finger to see if your red blood cell count is back up." She looked at me with a confused look. I smiled; she's kind of cute. "Can I just see your finger please?"

"Oh, sure. Sorry, I'm a little dizzy."

"That's okay. Are you aware of what happened?" I pricked her finger with a small needle, she jumped a little, then I put some of her blood on a Petri dish. "Kind of, I think I was pushed by a someone."

"Do you know who it was, or what they were?"

"No, not really."

"Megan, I'm sorry to say that you were attacked by a vampire. You were saved by a Guardian, but just barely. If he wouldn't have made it to you on time you would have died."

"No way." Her eyes were wide with shock. This is the hardest part of my duty, telling my patients they almost died. "But, how? I don't remember any of that, I just remember getting pushed by someone."

"I know it sucks, but that's really what happened. I'm really sorry." I scratched my head trying to think of something else to say. I can't ever apologize correctly, all I can think of is saying sorry. A tear streaked down her face, my face got flushed. "Please don't cry, I'm really sorry you got attacked." I was frantic, the last thing I want is a patient crying. She chuckles a little, "Your face is red."

I felt it flush even more, "Well, you started crying and I didn't know what to do." I scratched my head again nervously. She smiled, "Well, you guys saved my life, thank you." My heart started to pound, I can't seriously be getting riled up over a human. "I, um, need to finish your evaluation." I walked up to the monitor and wrote her blood pressure and oxygen level down on the medical notepad I had. I went to the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water for her and took the Petri dish to the lab for further examination.

After I deposited the results to the station I quickly made my way back to her examine room. I gave her the water bottle and took out a small notepad out of my medical jacket pocket. I wrote my personal number down on it along with my name, checked over it to make sure it wasn't my pager's number. "Well, your officially checked out, your perfectly back to normal. Make sure you drink a lot of water because you are a donor." I hesitantly handed her the paper, she looked at it and smiled. "Thanks again for saving me."

"It's my duty as a Guardian, even though I'm in a white robe." We both laughed and we headed out the door. We made it to the front entrance, "Give me a call sometime and be very careful okay?"

"Okay I will." She smile and waved at me and headed off towards the human dorms. I shrugged my shoulders; well look at that, a human.


I heard a scream coming from the east side of the main school building. I jumped onto to the tops of nearby buildings with vampire speed, I have to see what's going on right away. I got closer and closer to the source of the scream when I heard another coming from the same spot. "No! Please, get away!" It's another girl, I kinda figured from the high pitched scream. I jumped down from the top of the main school building into a loading dock for supplies.

The girl spotted me behind her attacker, "Please help me!" Her attacker turned around, it was a pure blood vampire, the elite vampires with not a single drop of human blood to be found in their linage. "What do you think your doing?" I said folding my arms on top of each other. "Well, well, if it isn't big, scary, Darius."

"And you are?"

"Just a simple vampire less powerful than you, which is quite odd, don't you think? I mean I'm a pure blood vampire ranked lower than a hybrid, it makes my blood run cold. Oh wait, it already is." His eyes flashed red, he's ready to fight. There's only one vampire that can smart off to me like that and is pissed off about being below a hybrid, that's Apollyon. "Are you aware of the rules?"

"Don't give me that tough boy act Darius, just fight me already!" He ran at me, but not directly, I blinked and lost sight of him. That's a big mistake, even for me. I felt something jab into my side and my ribs exploded in pain, I fell on one knee. He appeared in front of me and kneed me in the face. I covered it with my hands, and felt something wet all over them, blood. "I give it to you Apollyon, you've gotten stronger, what made that happen? Anger? Rejection?"

"Shut up." I felt another kick to my back, I fell onto the ground, limp. "Why do you always insist on smarting off to a pure blood?" He grabbed a handful of my hair, I winced. "Your just gonna get the crap beaten out of you every time!" He threw me into a wall so hard, it cracked. "That hurt." I said to smart off even more, grabbing my shoulder. I winced from the pain, but it didn't last long. I got up, "You know, it's funny how you have to resort to close combat, while I don't even have to touch you." My eyes burned with red in an instant. "You say your pissed off all the time for letting a Hybrid Guardian push you around." Darkness started radiating off my body, "But, when your as weak as you are, I would be pissed too."

I waved my hand in a flicking motion in front of my body sending spears made from my element through Apollyon's body. He gasped for air and fell onto his knees, dripping blood from his mouth. "Your a disgrace to pure blood vampires." I walked forward towards him. "You never learn..."
I grabbed his hair like he grabbed mine, leaning in close to his ear, whispering, "... A hybrid is stronger than a pure blood." I kicked his face as hard as I could sending him flying into the wall. He groaned from the pain, he won't die so easy, but he won't recover so easy either. I trudged over to his target, my back was in excruciating pain from the impact with the wall.

"Are you okay?" I asked in a calm voice. "Yes, are you okay? Your face is covered in blood." I forgot I got kneed. "I'm fine. Let's get back to the main matter here."

"Right, I'm fine, but could you still help me?" I looked at her with confusion, "With what?" My voice crack a little from the pain in my back. "I don't know where I'm at. I know I'm at Monarch Academy, but I need to find the main office building."

"Are you a student here?" I groaned. "No, I'm supposed to be registering as one." Her voice showed the confusion, it made it easier to believe her. "Well, protocol comes first, I'm gonna have to take you into the infirmary, handcuffed."

"Oh, um, okay." I cuffed her hands then walked over to Apollyon and cuffed his with my darkness. He was passed out, probably from the pain. I withdrew the spears from his body and threw him over my shoulder. I looked over to the girl, "Follow me please."

Monarch AcademyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora