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I wait for the day she will read and understand my writing,
Not see it as an insult or ungratefulness,
But see it as a heart feeling,
My heart feelings,
I wait for the day someone will notice me,
Tell me sweet things, and mean them,
I wait for the day when someone will notice me and tell me truthful things that will build me and really really mean them.
I hope to escape my past and present,
And look forward for clarity,
For a better understanding of the pain and fear and hurt I feel.
I look forward to the day I will be appreciated for my passion, for who I am, my good and understood for my worse,
I look forward to many things,
I fear I don't deserve them,
But what I really fear is that,
I might never deserve them.

Unspoken FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now