Chapter 3

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  Me now all out of breath huffing and puffing, and mister wanna be hulk here is fine no heavy breaths no sweat i mean was it realli that damn easy. This just couldnt get any damn worse i mean realli what now. Then out of no where i hear a damn chuckle, he was laughing, and it wasnt one of those evil chuckles as in this situation u would expect, was one of those annoying checkles where i was kinda pissed. like muthafucker did u just laugh at me, bad enough i was all tired and out of breath and ur ass aint even remotly feelin the same. che'! (che' = that sucking ur teeth sound) . "Didnt think you would do all that, where were u going" WHAT! did he realli ask that dum ass question?  In the mist of turnin around to actually see who the dum ass was he was smirk'n.... o hell na! and its one of those smart ass smirks that  when u see it u have to see if u can slap it rite off his smug ass face.... i mean come on its very tempting. 

  "let go! what do you want" is all i can say while trying to free myself from his grasp. while failing miserably might i add..... "let go!" now slapping him and punching, and nothing not a flinch nothin and i know i can cause damage, but nothing wtf.. che' "who the fuck are u iron man, the hulk, super man! damn i need some kryptonite!" i know its not the rite time for that but im pissed and that was the first things that came to mind. we then began to move back twards the house and the whole time my feet never touched the ground, it was like i was hovering over it ever so slightly while being held tightly this is fucking annoying and im just sending him death glares. if looks could kill BOOM! he would be down. but nooooo his ass is just walkin unfased and still with this fuckin smirk. 

  Minutes later we arrive back to the room i woke in, YEEESS! finally released and feet touchin the ground and i was out darting back the way we just came. i didnt even make it to the stairs and i was caught again, why? just why? and his ass just looks like it is the easist thing in the world to catch me. (evil glare twards his ass insereted here!  **yes i'm feelin some type of way!**)  

  This time i was carried over his shoulder like a fucking bag of potatoes like seriously. now hitting and puching his back, might i add still didnt phase him. he suddently dropped me on the bed and just stood there staring at me. who the fuck is he, where is this, and what does he want thats all i wanna know!? realising he was still just standing there glancing at me from head to toe just pissed me off, more then scared which faded away earlier i think when his as was smirkin which by the way HIS ASS IS STILL DOING! an encouraging rage came over me. "STOP STARING AT ME U FUCKER" shouting while darting under the covers in a desperate need to hide myself from him. all at once he snapped out of that trance or whatever u wanna call it and pounced on me in an attempt to stop me from covering myself. now in a straddling postion face to face, i get a closer look. DAMN! he is handsome, beautiful facial structure, smashing head of dark hair, deep blue eyes that is drawing me in, damn!........ wait wait wait hold on a damn minute keep it together cant be fallin  for the dum ass...... but he is hot....... stop ! focus!. All in all while having this internal war with myself those deep blue's  rapidly turned a pitch black and then i hear a deep growl. yea u read it rite he fucking growled. he them became heavy in breath (wait1... now is when the heavy breathing comes in, not when i was running for my life and he was chasing, but rite now when all his ass is doing is hovering over me. WHAT!)  "MATE" he growled out. what the fuck. without warning i yelp snapping him back. his eyes turned back to the deep blue, like it just hit him realising what just happend he jumped off me.

  "sorry" he says while covering his face. removing his hand he showd the most saddest face i had ever seen and walked out while closing the door behind him.  I am very confused, what was that? as i just sat there i replay'd everything that happened in my head over and over. now im more confused then when i first started off, what the hell did he mean mate, and what's with those eyes? continuing to ask myself all these questions as if i knew, i started feeling drowsy. who wouldnt be sleepy  after all i just went threw, it was no suprise i was tired. And then out like a baby i went .

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