Chapter 4: Home

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*Young Justice Legacy (Forgot the name for this show haha) Beast Boy though! I imagine this as an older BB, BACK TO STORY*

And..I know it's been a while. But I am back into the game!


Raven's POV

After the little incident in the hallway, Beast Boy and I heard Robin call in from the intercom.
So Beast Boy and I made our way to the main lounge, with Cyborg eventually following behind.
Once we made our way to the lounge, Robin looked at Beast Boy and said.
"Alright, the police managed to get us a meeting with Mandrick today, we are all heading to the police station so get what you need."
Everyone nodded and there was a brief silence before Cyborg decided to break the ice, with a gun of sarcasm.
"Yo BB, I know you are a blonde, fair skinned human now and all, but where are the jokes?"
Beast Boy looked up at Cy and smirked.
"That would of been the monkey in me tin can."
Cy grinned.
"Nah! Still got a joke outta' ya!"
I couldn't help but role my eyes. Guess he can't get rid of old habits.
"He is kind of more mature now Cy, just semi enjoy it." I commented.
Beast Boy grinned and turned to me. Clutching his heart in mock pain.
"Aw that hurts Rae, nice to know you like me better human."
I stared at him blankly.
"On second thought, I prefer the less sarcastic one." I replied. Pulling my hood on, ready to visit Mandrick.
"Hey BB, aren't you going to wear your suit?" Cybord asked Beast Boy, suddenly concerned.
I turned my head in Beast Boy's direction, noting his face, he seemed tired.
"Nah, why bother dude. Not much point in wearing a superhero suit when you don't exactly have superpowers."
"Beast Boy, you are as very much a hero as I am, do I look like I have powers?" Robin argued.
Beast Boy laughed softly.
"I guess not, but you can do sick backflips dude."
"Perks of being a circus freak." Robin smiled.
Starfire smiled at this interaction.
"Beings friends is nice." She commented.

In the end Beast Boy did wear his morph suit and It did look slightly strange on him. Considering the purple on his green skin was always so contrasting, but now, it suits him, all too well. That in itself was off putting; and when I feel off, it never ends well, especially with these powers I hold. 
When everyone was ready, I teleported us all to the prison, the guards were already waiting for our arrival. Behind the guards was the Warden, it was he who spoke to us first.
"Teen Titans. Made it here safe I presume."
"Well and truly." Robin replied.
The Warden nodded.
"Good, good. Best we don't waste time then, who knows how long it will take to get him to talk."
Cy looked at beast boy in concern, Beastboy merely grinned.
Wonder what that look was for?
As we followed the Warden into the prison, we walked down three separate hallways before entering an interrogation room. All six of us, plus the Warden, were able to fit in this room. However only Beast Boy, Robin and I stayed in the room, along with the Warden, and there, tied to a chair was Mandrick. He didn't seem stressed, relaxed really. 
"These lads are here to ask you a few questions." The Warden informed.
Mandrick look at us all in confusion.
"Well, it is nice to have visitors. But it has been a day. I have been caught, what more do you want?" He asked.
Robin was the first to speak.
"We have come to ask you what substance the plasma gun was made of."
Mandrick smiled, allowing his eyes to squint in the process.
"And why the sudden curiosity?" 
"Our friend Beast Boy-" Robin motioned his hands to what once was our green friend. "Is normally green, you might recall him being a flying green dinosaur at one point-"
"Pteranodon..." Beast boy corrected in a huff.
Robin glared at him.
"Ah yes, the Changeling. You were the one hit my my gun haven't you?" 
To our surprise Beast Boy replied.
"Duh." Beast boy growled, slightly annoyed. "My parents, Mark and Marie Logan, made me that way. They saved my life, cured a disease that even doctors couldn't cure and here you are with this gun. It looks lethal but as soon as it touched me, I have suddenly become-"
"Logan? I know the couple. Used to work with them back in the day." Mandrick interrupted.
Before Beast boy could speak, Mandrick interrupted once again.
"I also had no idea they had a son. They just moved to Africa for some high fetched research..." He paused, allowing a some heated stares to be exchanged throughout the room.
"I got the plasma from a co worker of mine, who happened to be in west Africa at the time. He stumbled upon an old shack and there he found the Logan's research. The plasma seemed to kill everything it touched...but now I was made to cure this disease you had."
"How can there still be stuff there? When I was taken from there, they made sure they cleared the joint out." Beast boy replied.
"Floorboards...always a wonderful hiding spot."
It was at that moment that Beast Boy stormed out of the room, the Warden thanked Mandrick for his cooperation, not that it shortened his sentence. 
Robin and I went after Beast Boy, he seemed to have already be stopped my Starfire and Cyborg.  Even though it didn't take us long to follow Beast Boy out of the room, he already seemed to be in deep conversation.
"I need to go back. If there is anything else they missed, I need to see!"
"What's happening?" Robin said seriously.
"Friend Beast Boy wants to go back home." Starfire replied.
We all looked at Beast Boy, as he hung his head low.
It was silent for a few short seconds before Robin sighed.
"Well...guess we have no choice...there might be something in Beast Boys old home that could help...after that, we find out who Mandricks co worker was." Robin then looked at me. "Will you be able to take us there."
I looked at him and then Beast Boy, who almost seemed to be pleading now. I went back to looking at Robin, whose face looked stern.
"No problem...but we will need supplies, the African climates are much harsher than here in America."
I then felt arms go around me. All I saw was blond hair; that was all I needed to see. The arms then let go of me, and in front of me was a smiling blue eyed boy. Beast boy.
"Thank you." was all he said.
Is taking him back home the best idea?


Now I know it's short. But I need to get cracking.

Hope you enjoyed!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2017 ⏰

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