Pirate Chains - Monkey D. Luffy: Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

Tears were flying off the side my face as I wailed. “Why me!?”

-          Luffy’s point of View

After flying through the air, we ended up into the forest, rolling into a ball and landing all on top of each other. I landed on top of everyone, it was fun! I jumped up, stretching my arms and laughing. “That was fun! Let’s do it again!” I stated, but Nami got up from under Zorro and whacked me in the head. “Ow, hey! What’s your problem?”

“You idiot! We have more important things to worry about! We have to save Azmaria!” Nami yelled.

Didn’t she think I know that? A piece of my treasure was missing. That goes for all of my crewmates. But my attention currently laid on Zorro who was staring at one of his swords that slipped when we fell. I titled my head to the side and crossed my arms. “What’re you looking at?”

He squatted down and pointed to the end of his sheath. “It’s under something.”

Nami blinked and sat down next to him. “Hey, yeah you’re right! It looks like the piece of ground is divided up. And where your sword got stuck, it seems like air’s blowing out of it. Let’s pull it up and see why it’s like that.” she ordered.

Zorro rolled his eyes and pulled his sword out and set it with his other two before he lifted the cut up ground from the gap and the next thing I knew since I squatted down too and had my head above it, I was pushed back and fell on my back by air!

“Whoa, what the?!” I jumped back up and marveled at the rushing air that was heading up.

“It’s-It’s air!” Nami gasped, looking down at the tube it was coming out of. “But why is there a tunnel like this? Do the people in the town use it?”

“Maybe it’s a secret, like for smuggling something or delivery?” Zorro suggested. “It might be painful if any old human jumped in it seeing how fast the air is blowing.”

“I want to try it!” I declared. That’d be so cool, like a roller coaster without any seats! Maybe it could take me to Azmaria faster! I’m itching to get my hands on that guy and tear him apart! No one takes my nakama away from me! But then my stomach growled. Placing my hands on my stomach and looking at it I asked, “Hey, do you think you can get food delivered over here then?” he asked.

Nami whacked me in the head again. “Get serious about this, will you!” she then paused for a moment. “Hey, did you guys hear something?”

“The blood singing from Luffy’s ears?” Zorro asked.

“Hey!” I huffed back. But it didn’t matter because then we heard it. A long and familiar male scream was coming at high speed, getting closer and closer until the next thing we knew, Ussop came flying out of the air tube hitting the long branch from high above and then fell beside me. it was the only branch you could see in this one spot if you looked up. I laughed and crouched next to him and poked his shoulder. “Hey! You came to join the party! How was the ride?” I asked. Man, I’m jealous now, he got to ride the thing!

“Ussop! You’re injured, what are you doing riding in that thing?!” Nami exclaimed.

Zorro was laughing too. “I told you no normal person would ride this thing! Clearly, us being under Luffy’s command doesn’t make us normal anyhow.”

-          Ussop’s Point of View

Shooting out of that accursed thing, I was in excruciating pain again…! But thanks to that remedy Sawyer gave me, I still feel better than I would have in a normal case, riding in a super-fast air tunnel while injured and escaping from being bedridden in a hospital by a cop who likes pirates. Yup…If I wasn’t a brave warrior of the seas, I would be dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2013 ⏰

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