Birthday Sex

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I love that picture because it's fucking hot like his ass damn daddy tie that God damn shoe anyways enjoy ;)

Time seemed to fly faster that I could even think about it, February quickly turned to March and stephs birthday was upon us. Of course we had a lot planned for the upcoming week, many different people wanting to see steph and present him with gifts to celebrate. There wasn't another game until the following night, and so the crew had put together an exclusive party at one of London's top hotels. Originally it had been intended for just the members of the crew that steph had seen most often, but as seth and I had been put in charge of the guest list, it slowly grew to include more people that would make the event as fun as possible. I remembered the arguments that seth and I had gotten ourselves into with people as we discussed inviting some older fans to join the party, but apart from a few hiccups, everything seemed to be in order and after a day of sightseeing and press, steph and I had began to get ready. He was looking perfect as usual, choosing to wear a grey long sleeved shirt with a black jacket over it and black jeans with his black shoes

There was bitter wind rushing through the streets that evening, it was like no matter how much closer we were getting to summer, the air was determined to hold on to the last pieces of frost and wanted everyone to know about it. I had known when I had chosen the short black and grey dress that the wind would be able to caress places that would otherwise not be a problem, but I had chosen to ignore as I knew that steph loved this dress. He had picked it out himself when we were shopping online and the look in his eyes when I had pulled it from my suitcase was unmistakably a reason to wear it on the night of his birthday. It was short, but not too short, finishing in the middle of my thigh with a cut that didn't show off my cleavage. It hugged my body just right, and there was a long silver zip running all the way down the middle.

We had thought it would be an easy entry to club, but as usual the paparazzi were flooding the entrance and we sat in the black van for a few minutes trying to get used to the fact that we were going to get pushed around for sure. I readjusted the leather jacket on my shoulders and turned my gaze to the man next to him, his eyes still focussed on the crowd outside of the car, the flashes that were already going off reflecting in his eyes. He turned to me and let that beautiful smile of his wash over his face, "You ready for this?" He spoke, unbuckling his seatbelt and glancing out of the car window once more.

"Hell yeah I'm ready" I replied excitedly, knowing that it was going to be crazy getting in, but it would be equally as fun once we were inside. This was the kind of thing I had gotten used to after being with steph for so long, but no matter how many times we had to push our way through cameras it never failed to shock the both of us the extent that people were willing to go to get an image. I unbuckled my own seatbelt and grinned as I felt his fingers slip into mine, a quick squeeze all we had time for before the clubs security guard had come to open the door of the van. Steph stepped out first, refusing to let go of my hand as we walked through the crowd as quickly as we could. As soon as he realised how many people there were, he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me towards the door, careful to not pull me over in the 6" heels that I had chosen to wear for the evening.

"More people that usual" He shouted over them, laughing with seth and I as we continued to try and push through people. After another few seconds, steph seemed to give up with trying to pull me through the crowd entirely, and turned around, picking me up in his strong arms and running as fast as he could through the decorative black doors of a club that I still didn't know the name of.

Steph continued to run even though there was no reason to, and I held onto his neck for dear life, sure that if he didn't drop me we were going to run into something or someone and end up getting hurt. To my surprise, he slowed down until he was still and I opened my eyes in time to feel him sitting me on one of the couches in the VIP section of the club. The room felt so luxurious that I could hardly believe where we were. The plush maroon sofas matched the cushions on the seats that were surrounding the large mahogany table, food already there waiting for everyone when they came in. We weren't the first here, there were people at the private bar getting drinks and others talking amongst themselves as they waited for the rest of our party to make their way through the doors.

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