A masochistic battle

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That voice...

The voice was not in Bashful's head, but next to him. It belonged to his lovely husband, Sneezy. "I love it when you torture me..." I've never heard him talk in his sleep before...maybe it's a new thing he does... Thought Bashful.

Though why would Sneezy enjoy dreaming of being tortured? He looked aroused too. Bashful tried to cover his ears and sleep. Which was hard because Sneezy's moaning turned on Bashful most of the time. Ugh...the urge... Come on Bashful he's asleep! We can't do those things to him while he's sleeping!

Bashful turned the other way and covered his ears with his pillow.


Chrys and Sherri told Bashful and Sneezy's alliance that they were evil murderers. Sherri was doing more of the talking while Chrys was lost in her thoughts. She didn't know if this was the right thing to do yet. Even if they may have been murderers they still raised her right.

Queen Pastel was getting furious. "They killed my brother Brad! They will pay for this!" Sherri smiled deviously. "Should we go to war? Or perhaps we have a battle with them?.."

Queen and King Pastel exchanged looks. "Battle? How would we fight in a battle?" The wise King said. Sherri looked at Chrys. "I know perfectly well how this is going to turn out..."

Sherri giggled. "It will be bloody..."

              Back with our precious ship

It was morning now. Sneezy woke up to a fetal positioned Bashful. So cute! He thought. He wanted to let him sleep. But today was the annual raspberry festival in the kingdom. So of course Bashful and Sneezy had to get up early...

"Bashful it's time to wake up." Bashful frowned. Not quite awake yet. "A-Already?" Sneezy smiled. "Yes. Today is the raspberry festival! Don't you love raspberries?"

Bashful nodded. "They remind me of-" He almost said Happy. Even though he was strictly told to never speak of those people ever again. "They remind of a book I once read. It was a love story. You wouldn't be interested in it though..."

Sneezy rolled his eyes. He wasn't really into romantic novels. "Come on. Let's get dressed."

Looking down at the villagers below, Sneezy thought everything was going fine. "Citizens! This day is by far the happiest day in all of-"

Sneezy was cut off by a huge rumbling that traveled in all of the land. It shook so hard that Sneezy and Bashful had to hold on to each other to keep from falling.

"What was that?" A woman cried. "An earthquake?"

Sneezy turned his head toward the sky. What once was a happy mood...turned into a foul, bitter mood. "I know exactly what that was."

Above he could see Sherri giggling in a pink bubble. He couldn't make out the other figures he saw. Today...is my last day of living...
Sneezy sighed quietly, hugging Bashful tightly.

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