2 Year-Old Katniss

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I legit heard this in my head and I almost screamed.
Katniss smiled as she ran down a hallway, hiding under a table, playing hide 'n seek with her father, Prince Vegeta. "Come and find me daddy!" She said cheerfully, waiting for her father to find her. She giggled even as a shadow loomed over the table. She looked out from underneath it to see the thing the shadow belonged to, which happened to be an animatronic, called Fred Bear. She smiled and touched it, not knowing that it was there to try to kill her. Being two years old, she laughed and smiled, messing with the animatronic. Vegeta began his search for her though she completely forgot about playing with her father. "Katniss, come out, come out where ever yo-" "PAPA!" She screamed as Fred Bear picked her up and bit her head, his flat, but sharp teeth penetrating her skull with a sicking crack. Her father heard the horrific sound and ran to the room where she was. Blood dripped from the animatronic's mouth as it bit down harder, making Katniss scream louder and trying to get herself free for the monster's jaws. Her father rushed in, noting his daughter was trying to fight off the animatronic even though she was in pain. She wasn't going to give in until the last ounce of her strength was gone, and she was getting to that point very fast. He destroyed the foul thing, catching Katniss as she fell from the monster's jaws. She whimpered and curled up to her father's scent, her sense of sight temporally gone for the time being. Vegeta picked her up and went to the rejuvenation room to clean her wounds. Once he was done, he bandaged her head and brought her to his room to watch her while she slept. She tossed and turned, the animatronic haunting her dreams. Her father touched her hand, his happy and smiling form now  sad and angry. He knew Frieza sent the animatronic to kill Katniss but it failed. He looked at her now weakened form and yawned. Vegeta slowly got on the bed with Katniss and gently pulled her to his tired form. He fell asleep holding his daughter gently, trying to bring her some comfort. She didn't like it at first but then she relaxed and slept peacefully.

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