Free Yugoslavia

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26 March 1941

Yesterday our government betrayed us. They signed the Tripartite Pact yesterday and joined the Nazi's. How they could join these fascist scum I truly don't know. They have turned their back on all of Yugoslavia today. On the woman and children of our nation on the very soul that makes up what is Yugoslavia. We will not stand for this we will not stand idly by as are nation shakes hands with such beings. We will forever be a free Yugoslavia, We will never fight on the side dedicated to such hatred, we will never stand under the flag of tyranny we will never stand under that flag of nazi germany!

27 March 1941

Air Force General Dušan Simović will lead us to victory we will never bend to the nazi's. We will forever remain a free Yugoslavia, we will never come willingly to these scum. Today a group of pro-Western Serbian-nationalist Royal Yugoslav Air Force officers formerly led by Air Force General Dušan Simović has held a coup d'état against the Nazi loving scum that was the last government today Yugoslavia has declared its independence. This is the true Yugoslavia this is the Yugoslavia that will never meet Hitler at his door, let him come to us let us show him what Yugoslavia is made of, let him see what true freedom is!

6 April 1941

The Germans invaded today, let them come, we may not win but we will never give up, we will never give in we will never let Hitler have the satisfaction of seeing us beg for mercy we will fight until that end we will fight for until every single facet of are country has fallen. We may fall, but we will never break.

16 April 1941

Those traitors,talk of surrender is fairly popular. How can they so easily abandon the fight is beyond me.How they could so easily abandon there families there brothers all we have fought for, all we stand for it... it disgusts me. No one has taken my life in battle, I will have to take it myself. I refuse to surrender, I was born and I will die in free Yugoslavia. 

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