Sylar Quotes

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"Heroes: Chapter Eleven 'I Am Sylar' (#3.24)" (2009/II)

Tom Miller: You don't want to startle me.

Sylar: That's funny, there was a time when I wouldn't have given you a chance to be startled.

Sylar: [to his own reflection] Who are you?

Emile Danko: The past five years, I've lived... eight different lives, had wives and girlfriends, spoke six different languages, but at the end of the day, I still know who I am.

Sylar: What's your point?

Emile Danko: Whatever you're going through, this... identity crisis... you can survive.

Sylar: How?

Emile Danko: Find an anchor - something that reminds you of you. That way, when you're feeling lost, you'll have something to hang on to.

Sylar: Agent Taub's a nothing. I don't like being a nothing.

Emile Danko: Think of it this way: as Agent Taub, you can come and go, kill who you want to kill. If you're Sylar, I have no choice but to hunt you down - make your life a living hell. It's up to you.

Sylar: I went to see my real father. He was so alone, so pathetic. I didn't want to become him, so I took this power, and now I can be anyone I want to be, anyone in the world. So tell me, mom - why do I feel so lost?

Virginia Grey: You are not lost. You're my son! Maybe I didn't give birth to you, but I loved you. I wanted you right from the start. I saw how special you were.

Sylar: But I killed you!

Virginia Grey: And there was no one left to love you anymore. But now... I'm back.

Sylar: How can I be special? How can I be anything... when I killed the only woman who ever loved me?

Sylar: You're right - I can be anything I want. I can be President.

[he changes shape]

Sylar: [as Nathan Petrelli] I won't let you down, Ma.

Nathan Petrelli: I don't need to defend myself to you. You're pathetic. You're a psychopath. People like you are the reason I went to the President in the first place. If you think for one minute anybody's gonna believe you're me, you're wrong.

Sylar: I'm not gonna be you - I'm gonna be *better* than you.

[last lines]

Sylar: That hurt.

Sylar: [as Nathan Petrelli, giving a speech] I know a way to bring real purpose back to the White House, back to this country, and I promise you that when the President agrees to meet with me, when he agrees to shake my hand, real change will come to this country, and nothing... will ever be the same.


"Heroes: Chapter Twelve 'Our Father' (#3.12)" (2008/II)

Sue Landers: Who are you?

Sylar: Someone who covets your ability. I have to find out the truth about something.

Sue Landers: No, you don't. Trust me.

Sylar: I'm sure it's hard, seeing the ugly truth at every turn. It must make it hard to trust anyone.

Sylar: [before killing Sue Landers] Sshhh, it's not gonna hurt a bit.

[Sue's lie-detector is ringing]

Sylar: Got me! That's a lie.

Sylar: You're not a killer, Peter. I am.

[kills Arthur]

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