Chapter 6

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At school the next day
Haruka walked to Michiru's School,
Juban High School.
Haruka saw Elza
"Yo,Elza-chan!" Haruka yelled
"What do you want Tenoh-baka?" Elza said with anger
"Have you seen Michiru? I need to say sorry to her" Haruka
"No, She still mad because you rejected her! And she not at school because of you" Elza said
"Is there anything I can do?" Haruka asked
"Only one, you got to go to her concert on a cruise ship tomorrow night, but it's sold out" Elza said
"Please!" Haruka begged
"Fine, be there at 7:00 and don't hurt her!" Elza said handing Haruka her ticket
On the cruise ship
Haruka sat in the crowd listining to Michiru's sad violin and what other people said about Michiru.
"I heard she an anti social" a man said
"Probably because no one likes her because she's a spoiled brat" a woman said.
After the concert
*whatever happens in the anime at this part*
Michiru walked out madly
"I hate that Tenoh-baka" Michiru said

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