Blurred (2)

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~Chapter 2~

Your body ached and you were covered in scars from last night and it only made you feel more like an animal. Your (E,C,) orbs looked all around the base and you tried to hide your gase from others who might be seeking it.

It hurt to be so humiliated as to notice that you had love bites all over your neck that couldin't be coverd up. You kept looking around to make sure that no one was looking at you or remarking about how obvious it was. Hux stopped you and the hall and wisperd into your ear, "You have come back for more didin't you love?" He asked keeping it down.

You couldin't answer. You didn't know what to say to this man or what to feel about haveing sex with him on a daily basis. "That's alright (Y/N), I don't mind you being quiet all the time." He lifted up your chin and this time you couldin't take it so you pulled back with all the force you had and you stepped back away from him.

He said before you turned to leave, "(Y/N), I will meet you back home shortly,"

You noded and made your way back.


You couldin't wait for the time that you plop back onto your bed and just sleept. For once... Your eyes finally shut and you relaxed and forgot about you long day and even longer night last night. But this peace didin't last very long.

The door slammed open with a loud Thud! You quickly sprung up and saw that Hux had finally came home."Hey Babe," He said in and slurred tone that I could only guess that he was drunk.

"Hux, did you-?"  You asked before he stopped you.

General Hux was indeed a struggling alcoholic and you knew that he went out drinking again. "I had a little bit-" He cought himself, "-More than one babe. I'm fine,"

"Hux I can't do this anymore. I don't love you and I hate when you come home late at night like this. I'm sorry but I'm leaving. Maybe when you sober up you will realize that there is more to love than just alcohol and sex-" He stopped you and grabbed your wrists all at once. He held them tightly so you couldin't wriggle free.

"You're not going anywhere (Y/N). -You need to-" He stopped and loosened his grip a bit. "You are mine (Y/N),"

At that moment you did the only thing you thought was right. You punched him and punched him hard.


In a split second you realized what you had done and Hux didin't take it well at all. He grasped onto your neck and cut of you're breathing. You tryed with all your strength to pull back or get away but he held you harder than before. "Listen to me you little whore! You are my slave and no one here on this ship could care about you at all! They don't care what happens in their general's quarters late at night at all! NO ONE WOULD CARE IF I KILLED YOU RIGHT NOW!"

Everything around you kinda blurred out and you hardly could see anything since your tears were clouding your vision.

He stopped and let you go. You looked up to see what the hell was going on when he punched you far harder causing you to scream out in agony. He didin't stop there, Hux threw several punches at you before he was satisfied. "Get out of my sight!" He growled at you and you got up and practically ran into the bathroom and saw the damage.

You gasped and knew that you had to get away. Your face was bleeding severely. Your lip was torn and you clearly had a black eye. You started crying and you collapsed onto the floor in your own pool of blood.

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