"No, you weren't. It looked like you were crying. Why?" Ike asked, stepping closer. "None of your damn business! I thought you wanted to fuck?" Lena said, ignoring his questioning. Akylas clenched his jaw, but said nothing. Quickly, he reached out for her, gripping her arm.

"Let me go, you beast!" Lena said as he dragged her toward his car. Ike opened the passenger side door and threw her in, closing the door behind her.

"You really need something in your fucking mouth!" Ike said, getting into the car, leaving Lena horrified.

He did not just say that!?

"You're a pig!" she spat, making Ike smile.

"Thank you, Lena love." he said, making her freeze. Dick.....

Akylas started the car, then took off, driving toward his home. Cutting the engine, he got out, leaving Lena in the car. Again, he was a dick.

Getting out, she slammed the door loudly behind herself, making Ike turn toward her, hard look on his face.

"Watch it! That car is new!" he said, making her gasp sarcastically.

"Oh, daddy, I'm sorry!" Lena said, in the tone of a southern belle. Ike contained a snort as he turned, unlocking the house door. Lena followed him into the house, slamming the door behind herself.

"You're testing me, aren't you?" Ike said, advancing on her. He backed her into a corner until she looked like a deer in headlights.

"No..." Lena said, fear claiming her. Suddenly, Akylas kissed her passionately, leaving her stunned. He kissed her again, making her shiver. Cool air surrounded her body, making her look down, finding herself naked.

When did this happen?

Before she knew it, Akylas had unzipped his pants and lifted her up against the wall. He sunk into her, making her moan like a wild animal. He began pumping his hips, making Lena lick her lips. He rode her at a moderate pace, feeling her softness against his hardness. They engaged in hot, horny sex, moaning and groaning in pleasure.

"Fuck!" Ike yelled, his orgasm hitting him, his seed spewing into Lena. She felt her pussy muscles clench, then her climax washed over her, leaving her numb. Akylas pulled out of her, stumbling as he backed up.

"I've got you..." Lena said, steadying him. He looked at her, then swallowed, leaning in to kiss her. He kissed her deeply, making her sigh. "Bedroom. Now!" Ike said, pulling away. Lena nodded, grabbing her panties from the floor.

Yes, they needed to head to the bedroom!

Things were getting hot!

Lena awoke the next morning, cuddled into Akylas's chest. She leaned herself up on her elbow, looking down at him. He was so handsome, but a total jerk! Lifting a hand, she touched his chest, feeling his breathing. She traced over the scars on his chest, wondering how he got them. He moved, causing her to jerk her hand back. He rolled over, still asleep. Slowly, Lena crept from the bed, careful to not make a sound. Grabbing her clothing from the floor, she exited the room backward, eyes on Akylas. Going downstairs, she paused, noticing that she was lost in some sort of hall/foyer type thing. She thought this was the front door.

Where the hell was she?!? Turning, she found herself looking at a big, bay window. Walking over to the window, she stared out at what appeared to be the backyard. It was bigger than the front, housing small solar panels.

Damn, how did he get those back there!?

"Freaking tree-hugger..." Lena mumbled, still looking at the yard. Suddenly, she started thinking of her life, and predicament. She was twenty-four, whoring herself out to some rich loon. Her life was perfect!- note the sarcasm. Sighing she shook her head, then turned around, coming face to face with Akylas.

"I, Uh... Good morning!" Lena said, nervous. Ike only gazed at her, saying nothing. "I want you to live with me.... For a month...." he said after awhile, surprising the crap out of her. What!?! Oh, hell naw!

"We both know I can't do that...." she huffed out, walking by him, looking for the freaking exit. "And, why not?" Ike asked, brow raised. "Because, I have a life. I don't just spend my time fucking and sucking, okay? I do things with my time, like go to school." Lena said, still looking around. "What life? Your mother is deceased. Your father is suffering from dementia, in a nursing home. You're in college, but that won't last long since this is your last year. You went to Johnson high school out in Atlanta. You had a 4.0 GPA, which kinda surprised me...." Ike said, rubbing his chin as Lena looked at him as if he were crazy. How did this man know her whole life's story? No.... This couldn't be....

Oh, no.....

It was happening again. History always repeated itself....

"The only life you have is at that club, which you're going to quit...." the sound of Akylas's voice drowned out as Lena began reliving the past..... "You're not going back to that job, Lena, that's final." Tanner yelled, blue eyes blazing in anger. Lena only shook her head, walking pass him and into their bedroom. Huffing, she got in bed and grabbed her teddy bear.

"Yea, of course it's final. It's the only place you don't have control..." she mumbled, playing with her teddy bear. "What was that?" Tanner asked, voice low as he walked into the room.

"You heard me, I'm not repeating myself." she hissed, making him sneer.

"See, this is why you're not going back to Popeye's! Those ghetto bitches have you acting unlike yourself. Talking back to me! Not answering my calls! I don't like it!" Tanner shouted, making Lena jump.

"Of course you don't like me standing up for myself, you want me depending on you and your money! I'm never going to do that! I'm keeping my job, Fuck you, you..." Lena started, but stopped, fury clear on her face.

"What? Cracker? Say it... Those bitches at your job have you talking like this, I know it!.... You're on punishment...." Lena's eyes went wide as Tanner pulled out a set of keys, walking out the room door. "No, Tanner, wait!" she yelled, jumping out of bed, going after him. He slammed the door in her face, locking it from the outside.

"No, Tanner, please!" she yelled, beating on the door, tears forming.

"Next time you'll learn to have an adult conversation instead of using racial slurs!" Tanner said on the other side of the door as Lena continued beating on it.

"Tanner, please!" she cried, sliding to the floor.......

"Lena? Lena?" Lena blinked rapidly, coming out of the memory, looking at Akylas. Her vision turned blurry as she began to cry, getting angry. "No!.... No!.... No!" she yelled, stomping like a child.

"Lena, calm down. If you don't want to stay, that's fine, just calm down!" Ike said, getting worried.

"You don't own me! You don't rule me! You don't tell me what to do!" Lena yelled, going off as she continued crying. Akylas looked at her with concerned eyes, not knowing what to do.

He had never handled anything like this....

"No, Fuck you, you rich prick!" Lena said, looking around the room rapidly. She had to get out of here.... To her meds!....

The room started to spin, her eyes becoming unfocused. "Lena!?" Akylas said, approaching her slowly, afraid of her reaction if he just walked up to her. Lena gulped, taking a step back, the room spinning more.

"Lena!!!" suddenly she fell, everything going black.....

Immobile......[BW/Biracial Man] (Part One Of The Immobile Series)#Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now