Breakfast and Harry

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I sat down at the breakfast table and poured myself a glass of orange juice. My brother was already munching away on his breakfast while talking and giggling with his friends he has made.

Sometimes I wish I had a personality like my brother. He finds it so easy to make friends and when I am around new people I am always awkward. This is unless they are being mean to me because let me tell you I am not scared to stand up for myself.

I looked around the table to notice there was a seat with no body sitting in. I wonder who sits there?

I kept looking around the table and I couldn't help but notice the girl this morning whispering stuff to her friends.

When I was little I always used to watch Tracey beaker and if you don't know what that is then I suggest you look it up on Google! I always use to think care homes were always like that and sometimes I wanted to go to one. This is because I always used to wish I would live with my friends and I guess that's what I thought being in a care home would be like. But it's not.

The door of the kitchen opened and in walked Ged and Sarah, the owners of the care home. Last night they really understood about the situation we was in and I must say I like Sarah as she is kind.

"Where's Harry?" Sarah asked everyone.

There were multiple mumbles and then the girl from earlier said she would go and jumped up and ran up the stairs. Who is Harry? AND why did she say she would go? I have a feeling that she likes him.

"Right, we have two new members of our family join last night. Please treat them well. They are called Lottie and Harvie" Ged said and pointed to us both. I smiled and some of my smiles were returned while others weren't.

The kitchen door squeaked open again and before I carry on can I just say they need to oil that door! It has been driving me crazy and I have only been here 5 minutes. Anyway Maddie and a boy walked in who I assume is Harry. I learnt her name was Maddie as her friends were talking about her.

Harry sat opposite me. I looked at him while studying his features. He had emerald green eyes, curly hair and even though he hasn't smiled I can tell he had dimples.

He looked up at me and I did what I normally do. Smile. I didn't expect him to smile back but he did! And I was right he does have dimples.

We were all dismissed from breakfast and as I was walking out I heard Sarah talking to Harvie. She then held his hand and walked away with him. I wonder what that is about.

I walked back to the living room and I saw harry sitting on the windowsill. There was something special about him but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Hi" I said trying to make conversation.

"Hi" he whispered back barely audible.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. I thought I was awkward with new people but harry just takes it to a whole new level.

"Yeah" harry murmured while turning his head to look out the window.

I sighed and looked out of the window too. Here in England it was raining, as usual. And this only means one thing. Watching two raindrops roll down the window like a race and seeing who wins!!! I used to do this on car journeys when I was little.

I got lost in my thoughts when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I whipped my head around to see Sarah standing a little too close for my liking. I mean does this woman know anything about personal space?

"Can I speak to you in the office please Lottie?" she asked me. I just nodded and got up.

"Bye Harry" I said but like I guessed he didn't answer.

I followed Sarah to the office. I sat down on a black, leather chair waiting for what they were going to tell me.


There was the second chapter. Hope you liked it. please comment what you think!!


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