Reunited (Harry Styles Fanfic)

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Lights. All around us. The world flashing up in the night sky as I feel the warm blaze from our once car burn to its death. My parents were inside that car and so were me and my brother. We got out, they didn’t. Firemen rushing past us, the whole world just goes into a big haze. Your brain can’t register that you will never see them people again. The ones you loved the most. You think about all the happy times in your life were you played and laughed but all of those just gone in an instant click.

All emotions gone as you have gone way past the crying stage. Feeling like there are no more tears left to cry at all. You think what if the drunk driver wasn’t drunk? What if we were just a couple of second earlier or later? What if we never went at all? Those were the questions that were running through my head and those are the questions that will never be answered. Even if I go around the world as many times as possible those questions will never be answered as we can never go back in time.

You feel helpless, like you can’t do anything at all. You can’t go and save them even if you wanted to. The last of our car burns out and there is nothing left but ashes on the ground. What was going to turn out as a happy holiday never turned out at all. No emotions going through my mind as the police take the drunk driver away. No emotions going through my mind as the paramedics come over to us with a blanket. No emotions at all.

Your mind just goes into shut down mode and you let everyone just push you around. Take you places you have yet to discover as you can’t get over what you just saw.

Well that’s what I had to go through. It’s like a living hell. It’s like you watch your whole life just get washed away. Everything you once knew is gone. You have to make an effort in the real world as it is just you now. Well now it’s just me and my brother. We are the only family left. That night I experienced the crash I made a promise to myself that I will never leave him and that is a promise I will never break!

We arrive at a house that has the friendly vibe to it. The sad thing is nothing can make me happy at the moment. I clutch onto my brother as tight as possible not wanting to let him go. The door of the car opens and people are just standing there with sad faces on. It seems they are sad as me and I doubt they even knew my parents at all. We walk out with my brothers tiny hands in my bigger ones. Not saying a word at all. Just silent. It’s the silences that makes a minute lasts for an hour. The silences that no one wants to break. The silence that you just remember everything.

We walk up to the house hearing the stones crunch under my feet. I let a tear slide my already tear stained face. Who could ever guess that one little tear has so much sad emotion in just wanting to burst out any second. Who knew at all?

We get lead through the red, paint-peeled door waiting to see what’s on the other side. Hearing my brothers little sobs as now he has realised this is our new life. We will never see our friends, teachers or parents again. It has all just gone and there is no turning back. We get lead up the stairs and children of all ages peep through doors that probably lead to their bedrooms. The looks on their faces were just sorrow and sadness. Probably reminding them of the first time they were bought here. Somewhere in all the sadness in my body though I felt a spark of happiness when I walked through the narrow halls. Something like part of me was meant to be here but I couldn’t figure out what.

As we reached to the end of the corridor there was a brown door which had blue tack markings all over it. Me and Harvie got told that this would be out room and we can decorate it how we want. We also got told that breakfast was served at 8 and we must be dressed for then.

We walked through the wooden door, where we discovered the setting of out bedroom. We had a bunk bed in one corner, a desk and a wardrobe. I slipped Harvie onto the bottom bunk and put the freshly washed covers over him. A slowly tip-toed away and jumped onto the top bunk. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell into a deep deep sleep as I had had a very eventful day.

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