Possessed - Chapter Sixteen - Part One

Start from the beginning

“What are you doing?” she asked as she calmed down.

“You fucking leave my friend alone,” Dante spat. Spencer punched his arm and warmth spread through her heard. He’d defended her.

She turned to Dante and blood boiled in her veins. Her lips curled and eyes narrowed. She wanted him gone. The interfering bastard just got in her way. How dare he try to come between her and Spencer? They were meant to be. Anyone could see that, even Spencer was starting to. He defended her over Dante. He wanted her and not Devon. She always knew he would but it took him so long to realise. That wouldn’t matter now, he was there, where she was and they could be happy now.

It wouldn’t be long now. She was getting closer to her final plan and that made her nervous, excited and impatient. She wasn’t going to spend the rest of eternity alone and she wasn’t going to wait for Spencer to turn old and frail.

The priest and Dante stood between her and the door. Why couldn’t they just leave her alone? She sighed sharply, feeling angry, hateful, wronged and robbed of a life she wanted, and people were still trying to stop her. She launched herself forwards, holding nothing back and pounced on the priest like a wild animal.

Her vision darkened. Blinded by rage, she squeezed her arms around the priest’s neck and growled. “Shit!” she heard Dante shout and felt two pairs of hands on her, trying to pull her off.

The priest gasped, spluttered and shoved at her with his big hands. “Zara, Zara,” Spencer chanted. His voice, singing her name, made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She released the priest’s neck and spun around. Dante dropped to the floor as the priest fell down but Spencer stayed standing with her. Again choosing her.

He held his hands up and she tilted her head, wondering what he was going to say next. “Zara,” he repeated, and she closed her eyes. She’d wanted to hear him say her name for so long and now he was saying it over and over. “It’s okay. Everything’s going to be okay, just calm down. You don’t want to go, do you?”

She shook her head. She wanted to stay with him, to have the life that was snatched away from her.

“Alright. You don’t have to.”

“What the fuck?” Dante shouted, throwing his hands up but staying on the floor with the choking priest. “That psycho is leaving Devon today! Right now.”

She turned and tilted her head to the side again. He was still trying to get in her way. Was the man taking deep breaths and rubbing his sore neck not warning enough for him? He didn’t give up easily but neither did she.

“Zara, it’s okay,” Spencer said quickly, gaining her attention again. “Dante, I understand you’ll miss Devon but Zara has a choice too. She wants to stay, and I think we should respect that.” Spencer bowed his head so slightly she almost missed it. Dante caught it too and finally stood up.

He shook his head. “I’ll do it myself then. Get out,” he hissed. “Both of you.”

She followed Spencer out, basking in the win and the glaring match Spencer and Dante shared as they left the room. Ethel stood as they made their way through the living room. “Is it done?”

“Shut up,” Zara snapped.

Outside she took Spencer’s hand. “Where to baby?”

“My place I guess. I’m tired.” He looked tired. Tired and tense. She would get him home and look after him; she wanted to do that for him.

“I’ll run you a bath and then you can sleep.”

“Sounds perfect.” They walked towards home and she assumed they’d flag a taxi down on the way. “How are you feeling?”

“Never better. This,” she said, holding up their entwined hands, “is all I’ve ever wanted.” Spencer gulped and nodded.

Spencer took her back to his house and got her settled on the sofa and then went to make her a cup of tea. She loved how normal it was. Putting her feet on the coffee table, she sunk into the cushions and closed her eyes. This was how it was meant to be. They should have been happy, living together, chilling on Spencer’s day off of work.

She knew she couldn’t have this forever, eventually she would have to take Spencer with her so they could spend eternity together, but she decided to give herself a few days and enjoy her one and only chance at being a normal couple like everyone else. Maybe they could go out to dinner, bowling or to the cinema. They never got to do that before, not alone as a couple anyway. She mentally marked a date on the calendar – giving herself two days as a human couple. After all, she deserved it.

In two days she would take Spencer back to her old flat, into her old room where it ended before. There she would explain everything to him. She would tell him they were meant to be together for eternity. When she had finished explaining they would jump from her window and finally be together. They were going to end it together the way she ended it on her own. Spencer would jump to be with her, one way or another.

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