ELEVEN: In the City

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The next day, when Fenton walked out of his room, he found Emery waiting for him. "Hello, Emery. Been waiting long?"

Emery snorted softly. "No. You're a predictable military man, Fenton. You get up every day at the same time."

"And you don't?"

Emery shrugged. "Sometimes I wake up at three, sometimes at four."

Fenton looked at his brother closer. The bags under Emery's eyes had deepened lately. "Emery, all you alri—"

Emery raised his hand up to silence Fenton. "Enough," he said with measured severity. "I did not come here to talk about my health."

Fenton tightened his jaw. "Then why are you here?"

Emery cracked his jaw, a nervous habit Fenton had been able to recognize since they were young. "I want you to do something for me." Fenton gestured for him to continue. "I want you to take Erya into the town and let the people see she is harmless."

Fenton opened his mouth to say something, but then the full mass of what Emery was saying hit him. "You called her Erya," was what finally came out of Fenton's mouth. He cleared his throat. "I'm not opposed to what you're asking, but I'd like to know why."

"I am having difficulty with some of the nobles. I am getting very uncomfortable questions that I cannot answer."

"How did they find out so fast?" Fenton asked. "The elves crashed our party yesterday."

"I would assume they have a few rats in the palace."

"We should get an exterminator."

Emery nodded grimly. "I'm looking into it. But for the time being, I want to dispel any notion that Erya could pose a problem." He cracked his jaw again. "In short, I want people to see she's injured. Taking in an injured elf is the easiest way to explain having her here."

"And you want me to do this because?" Fenton raised an eyebrow.

"Because it's believable coming from you. You're a great military leader, but you're well known to be soft-hearted, Fenton." Emery paused. "And besides, it's a good way to soften the blow of you telling her you'll have to leave."

Fenton's ears colored.

Emery sighed. "I assume you haven't told her yet, correct?"

"No. I haven't." He glanced down the hall. "I was the first person she bonded with here. I worry what will happen when I do leave."

Emery reached out and grabbed his brother's shoulder, surprising Fenton. Emery wasn't usually the physical comfort sort of man. "Nothing bad will happen to her, Fenton. I still do not approve of her being here, but I give you my word that I will keep her safe while she remains under my roof."

Fenton shifted uncomfortably, and Emery removed his hand. "Alright. I'll take her into the town today."

Emery smiled slightly. "Good." He turned to go, but Fenton stopped him.

"How are you planning to explain the other elves? One injured elf is one thing, but three warriors?"

Emery grimaced. "Something like 'we're keeping them here under house arrest so we can question them later.' It sounds better than 'we can't get rid of them.'"

Fenton chuckled. "You really should look into that exterminator."

"Hmm," Emery mumbled. He waved his hand dismissively as he walked away.

Fenton pulled his pocket watch out of its pocket. It was early. If he went and knocked on Erya's door now, she was likely to still be sleeping. He'd put her to bed early, so maybe she wouldn't be sleeping now. His foot tapped as he stood frozen in indecision. He shook his head. Better to get out there early. Still, if he woke her up early again, she was likely to take his head off.

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