"It's Tiny Tyler!"

Start from the beginning

"Well, it's a lot of stuff. I can't just spill all of it, not everything can be another me Tiny Tyler."

"Please. I want to help you."

"Tyler, you can't help me."

"Can you just give me something? Pleaasssee."

After 5 minutes of Tyler begging me, sounding like the child his drunk self is, I gave up and began to speak to get him to stop begging me.

"Ok ok! Be quiet if you want to hear it. I have no parents, I witnessed both of their deaths in front of my eyes. I have nightmares about them all the time." I said so quickly I couldn't even make out what I was saying. I was only telling him this because I thought he wouldn't remember anything by the next day.

"Oh. I'm sorry for asking."

"It's ok."

"How do you live like that on a daily basis?"

"I take pills. The pills calm me down in my sleep. So when I wake up, I don't freak out and don't ball my eyes out."

"I'm sorry. You don't have to continue."

"Thanks for understanding."

"It's ok."

"Goodnight Tiny Tyler."

"Goodnight my little Gracie."


Tyler's POV
3:00 am

I woke up randomly taking in my surroundings. I didn't even know where I was. I had a terrible headache and as soon as I felt the stinging pain, I knew I was on a hangover.
I looked around, and I realized I was on a couch, still in my normal clothes from the. Oh my gosh. The party. Everything from last night started flooding back. I could remember the conversation I had with Grace, but I couldn't remember one part of it. What does she do to get rid of her nightmares about her parents? I felt so bad for her, she goes through so much shit on a daily basis.

I needed to use the washroom, so I quickly, but quietly tipped-toed across the room. When I passed by the bed. I stopped for a moment to see Grace. She looked so beautiful in her sleep. Her hair was spread everywhere, her arms where placed nicely over her stomach with her fingers intertwined. I quickly snapped back into reality and went to the washroom so I didn't disturb Grace's sleep. Once I stepped into the washroom, I closed the door and did my business. When I came out, I heard sobbing from the bed. I walked up to the bed to check on Grace to see if it was her, and oh my gosh. You wouldn't believe what I saw. She was full on crying and then, she screamed the words, "Stop it!! Save her!! What are you doing!" She looked like she was in so much pain and tears kept streaming down her face. I shaked her with my hands and said quietly to her.

"Grace?! Relax! Your ok, it's ok." She jumped in fear and screamed. But when she realized it was me, she started to breath normally. She was still crying, I could still see the fear, the pain, the scared, the fear, the hurt, in her eyes. She started to relax and I could feel her tense grasp release.
She started to point at her washroom door, and then she whispered, "The cabinet. Get the bottle." She said to me as with no hesitation, I ran to the washroom. I opened the medicine cabinet to see 10 different bottles of prescribed pills. This must cost a fortune for her. I remembered, she had no parents, she had her own job, she paid for her schooling, she paid for her medication. I looked at all the bottle's descriptions, and when I found one that sounded right, I grabbed a water bottle I found there and brought the medicine with me also. I rushed over to her bed, opened to bottle of pills for her, as she raised her shaking hands to grab the bottle, when she did, I could hear the medicine shaking. She must have been terrified. She took three pills, and started to gulp each one down with the water. Once she was done, she held me close and whispered close to my ear, "Thank you, I'm so sorry." She then fell back into her bed and fell straight asleep.

I felt like she needed someone with her, so I put her bottle of pills and water where I originally got it from, and then walked back into the room. I walked around her bed, and slipped into the other side, opposite from her. I somewhat went into the hugging position with her so she felt safe. I had both of my arms around her waist, as she was sleeping in peace, quietly. I soon fell asleep beside her for whatever was left of the night.

 I soon fell asleep beside her for whatever was left of the night

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