Chapter 11: Anime Day

Start from the beginning

We all just sat down and drank or drinks until soon coming up with the idea to watch a horror movie until our next concert. We all wanted to watch 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' and so we did, throwing popcorn and jokes and jumping whenever came something scary. By 5, everyone went to get ready for meet and greets along with the concert.

Once getting dressed, we met with fans and started the concert with a bang. All was fun, even enjoying the concert with the fans instead of backstage was a lot of fun, death walls and mosh pits included. All in all, I had a great time. After being exhausted, we crashed on the couch, all of us. Jay and Zander on the floor, me and Ivy had kicked them off since they got to heavy. 

I woke to the sounds of sizzling. "Food?" I soon smelled the air, and knew someone was cooking cookie pancakes/waffles (whichever you favor). It was Jay making cookie dough into a large breakfast shaped meal, along with chocolate chips (or some other cookie flavor) and milk. "ZANDER IVY WAKE UP JAYS MAKING BREAKFAST!" Those words got the twins' attention, them shuffling out of bed, er, ground. We sat and enjoyed the food, hearing a knock on the door and Brendon's voice outside. 

"(Y/n)? Do you want to hang out today?" I ran and opened the door, crushing Brendon is a massive hug and a 'yes.' I waved goodbye and hugged Jay on the way out. "Why does he get her attention now, I brought him out..." Brendon mumbled.

"What was that Brendon?"


"Okay..." And with that, Brendon and I had an eventful day of watching anime on netflix. Watching Durarara!! Katanagatari, Shiki, and The tatami galaxy until Brendon spoke up, 

"You and Jay sure are close huh?"

"We are, kind of a brother-sister relationship, why?"

He seemed relieved, "I was just wondering." Is her jealous?

"Are you jealous that I may have another best friend?"


"Brendon, look at me." We turned face to face. "I saved Jay from suicide and he soon began to live with me since his living conditions were awful. We got closer and closer and grew to love each other as family, nothing more, nothing less. With you, I have a best friend, someone who I can be dependent on to be nice to me in the bitchiest way, but love me the same. There is no need to worry, okay? Even if I do have more than one best friend, you will always be the one closest to me, got it?"

"Yea, thanks. I needed that. Come on, it's 3am, lets sleep." And I fell asleep on his stomach, not waking up until 1pm the next day. 

I get up and leave, calling and talking to Andy about the day and concert, and him telling me he misses me and so on. I eat, then just lay in my room, not willing to come out for any reason. Just cooped up under blankets, silently crying as the next day approaches.

Jay/Jaken's POV:

"(Y/n), (Y/n), come on, get up! I know todays not your favorite day, so why don't you come out so we can get ice cream and cry, okay?" No response. The same response I've been getting for thirty minutes.

"Why isn't she coming out?" Brendon asks.

"That's something she should tell you on her own, it's not quite my business."

"What's so special about today that would need Ice cream?" Ivy asks.

"Well, today is (Y/n)'s 18th birthday."

"It is? How come she never told anyone?!" Zander freaks, mumbling something of how he didn't get her a gift and how he's a bad friend. 

"She doesn't like telling people. Let's talk about this out side or something." I motion for them all to follow, and we got outside. "Be it her birthday, it's also an anniversary for something big in her life, other than her being older. Today is the same day her dad left 10 years ago." I feel sad mentioning it, she should be telling them not me.  "Her dad and her used to be really close, spending every day together since her mom was the one who worked. He was really nice to (Y/n), but with her mom, he was another person. They fought a lot, each of them having been in jail multiple times because of it. Until her 8th birthday, she woke up to a note, '(Y/n), as much as I love you, I hate your mother. You may never see me again, but maybe in 10 years, I'll find you and give you a big happy 18th birthday, maybe I'll be back next year. I'll see you one year on your birthday, I swear it. Be good baby girl.' And can you guess what today is?"

"The day he's supposed to come back..." They all say at once.

"And she isn't home. She waited 10 years, year after year gaining more hatred towards that man, locking herself up every year on this day."

"We didn't know, oh god, we are so sorry." Brendon speaks franticly, running off then telling us he's going to buy her a birthday gift. We all scramble off our own ways, leaving it to be just me and (Y/n) in the trailer. 

"(Y/n). I have a gift for you... I know it's hard, but I promise you you'll love it." I hear her shuffle.

"What is it." She spits out, red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks are only a few of her features that have changed. 

"It's this! I got you a 10ft large teddy bear!"

"Thanks Jay, but I'm just going to sleep--" That's when we heard the door open.

"Hey baby, happy birthday!" A deep voice speaks. (Y/n) runs to her covers and cry.

"Andy, you don't know so it's okay, but (Y/n), she isn't. She needs to be held and comforted."

"I can tell, thanks for the information, I'll go be with her." 

I leave and spot everyone else, filling them in on who's here, and that we should leave them alone for a bit. We all decide to get lunch while we wait.

Andy's POV:

"Babe? What's wrong?" I question as I sit on the foot of her bed. She fills me in on everything, every detail on her past and why she wants nothing to do with today. "Why don't we just lay together, I can sing to you. We can even get some ice cream and watch some batman, how doe that sound?" She nods. I quickly sing her favorite song, 'If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn' her humming along.

I run out to get Ice cream, and together we watch some batman until she falls asleep in my arms. She's so beautiful, I can't help but stare at her features, her adorable (lip color) lips, her (hair length) (hair color) hair that is silk soft whenever I play with it. Her (eye color) eyes that I get lost in every time I see her. The way they sparkle, but now, they seem dull, from her crying. I kiss her cheek and lay next to her, falling asleep to the rhythm of her soft breathing.

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