Harry bends down kisses Jamie and whispers. "Be right back." Then turns to let his mom meet her grandkids. When he walks out to the waiting area he clears his throat, waits for his mom to realize he's holding 2 babies.

Anne looks up when she hears Harry clear his throat and she freezes. Her son is standing in front of her with 2 babies, not one, two. "Oh. My. God. Twins." Anne cries walking to Harry.

Harry passes both babies to his mom and kisses her cheek. "We haven't named them yet, and I have to get them back in there soon, but we figured grandma's have rights too." He smiles.

"But, twins." Anne sniffs.

Robin shakes his head. "Congratulations, son. It won't be easy but with Jamie by your side you'll manage." Robin says giving Harry a hug.

"I'll baby sit." Lou offers. "Hell I'm qualified, I have 2 sets of twin siblings. Can't trust me who can you trust." He says, slapping Harry on the back. Ed just offers to be the favorite uncle and leaves it at that. Harry just laughs.

"Mom, I need to get them back to the nurses and I want to check on Jamie." He says taking his kids back. He kisses his mom again and returns to his wife.

Harry walks back into Jamie's room, hands the babies over to the nurses in there. He then walks over and lays down beside his wife and kisses her cheek. When she opens her eyes to look at him, he smiles. "Thank you for loving me and putting up with my shit." He whispers, laying his head on her chest.

"You have put up with a lot from me in these past few months." Jamie reminds him. "And for the rest of our lives we have the twins and what ever other kids we decide to have. That's what we do for the people we love the most in life. And I have a feeling we are going to be putting up with a lot of shit in the near future." Jamie chuckles.

Harry laughs as he hugs her to him. "Literally, unfortunately." He adds. "You have any idea what to name our little ones? We've been discussing boys name not girls."

Jamie sighs. "I have thought of a girls name, my mom's name was Natalie, then add your mom's Anne." She says.

"Natalie Anne Styles. Babe, I love it. It's perfect." Harry says. "So perfect in fact now you can name our son." He teases. Jamie slaps his arm. "Okay I've been thinking also, well my dad and I share a middle name, Edward. And well your name is Jamie so I was thinking Edward James Styles. We can call him Eddie or what ever." Harry says.

"Boo, I believe we just named both our kids." Jamie smiles. "I love your idea, naming babies isn't that hard."

Just then there's a knock on the door. Harry yells for the person to enter. They're shocked to see Jamie's aunt's lawyer. "I see you're surprised to see me. I would be too." He says to them.

"What do you want?" Harry asks him.

"Well see, there was another "add on" on Ms. Anderson's will. One I didn't have to tell you about." The lawyer says sitting down. "As you know I didn't like your aunt, but in order to get paid I had write this up exactly the way she wanted me to. Now, you two full filled the "have to" part by getting married. You got the house, cars and the 95 million dollars. Plus the two businesses which are adding to your wealth conciderably."

"We know." They both say at the same time. "Get on with it." Jamie adds snuggling closer to Harry as he kisses her cheek.

The lawyer holds his hands up. "Okay, well the reason I didn't tell you about the add on part is because 1, you guys are so young I didn't think it would happen. 2, I really didn't have to." He shrugs. He then opens his ever present briefcase, pulls out a piece of paper. "Once again I'll skip all the legal jargon, just tell you what this says. According to your aunt if you two happen to have a child during your first year of marriage you will receive the rest of her holdings." He laughs. "And let me tell you, you have no idea how hard I've been praying for that to happen. Anyway, the rest of her holdings, which now belong to the two of you, are a villa in Spain, a beach house in Australia, Michael's Pizza Place here in town, and another 150 million dollars. Plus you own other businesses, they are all listed on this piece of paper, I sent a copy to Wendy also, since she was with you from the beginning. Congratulations on your child." He says standing.

"Twins." Harry says automatically, still dazed at what he just heard.

The lawyer nods and smiles. "Twins. I have twins myself. A joy to be around, they grow up so fast though so savor every moment." He tells them. Then exits the room.

Jamie and Harry look at each other and start laughing. Then Jamie says "I want our dog back."

Harry chuckles. "I would say we're newlyweds and can't afford it, but fuck it. Babe, I don't care. I'll go get him from mom's." He says, kissing her cheek.

Jamie smiles and kisses him back. Over the next several months life isn't easy for the young couple. With twins in the house there are many sleepless nights and many arguments. But Jamie has learn to stand her ground and fight back, to make Harry see her side of things. Excpecially when he's got to the point where he's starting to go out with the guys several nights a week, now that he's forgiven Liam and Niall.
One particular night Jamie has to deal with two sick babies by herself, Harry doesn't come home until after midnight. She's tired, smells of puke, Nat and J. is still crying and running a fever. And Harry comes in with the guys and a group of girls laughing, which he has his arm around one. Jamie just loses it.

"Harry? Who is your friend?" She asks.

"Oh, this is Barb, I've been seeing her for the past few nights with the guys here, she's cool." He says.

"Oh, seeing her how?" Jamie asks nicely. Too nicely. Lou knows shit is about to hit the fan but Harry is oblivious.

"Oh, Jamie you know dancing, a few kisses here and there nothing to worry about. I alway come home to you." He winks.

Jamie nods and smiles, then turns and walks out of the room, then let's the tears fall. Harry's cheated on her. He got his money, he's done with her and has moved on. She goes up, puts the kids in their carriers, packs them some clothes, then she goes to her room, does the same for herself. Carries it all down the stairs. She walks back in the livingroom room to find Harry sitting on the couch with Barb on his lap.
Jamie walks around the couch sits the kids down, picks their drinks up, dumps them on the couple. When Harry starts to get up Jamie proves her strength and pushes him right back down.

"This is the one thing I never thought you'd do. But I guess I was wrong. I believe I once said I don't share and I meant it. Well enjoy your freedom with your new girlfriend Harry. Oh and while you've been out having your fun, fucking around, my kids have been sick, haven't been able to hold food down." Jamie yells. "I have forgiven you for a lot of things in the past Mr. Styles but this is it. You will hear from my lawyer." Jamie says as she picks the kids up and walks to the door.

Harry jumps up and yells. "You are not taking my kids."

Jamie spins around, looking at him. "I'd like to see you fucking stop me. Where the hell have you been for the past three nights while my kids were crying and throwing up, where were you when I had to take them to the hospital because they both had a temperature over 103 and I couldn't wake J up or get you to answer your fucking phone." She yells, poking his chest. "Did you even notice we weren't home because he was kept in the hospital over night with convolsions due to that high fever. Hell fucking no, because I never got a call from you to find out where I was or where your kids were. And you were gone again when I got home. Obviously out dancing and kissing the nice Barb. So you can just move her in this house, spend all the money you married me to get. Because I WANT A DIVORCE. I fucking hate you, Harry." Jamie screams, she then turns and walks out.

Harry is pale and shaking. "Did you really kiss Barb, Harry? Did you sleep with her?" Lou asks.

Harry shakes his head no. "I was joking." He whispers. "I didn't know she had tried to call or text. I swear I didn't."

"Harry?" Tessa, Barb's friend speaks up. "I have something to tell you."

"Tessa shut up." Barb snaps.

"Fuck you Barb, what you did was wrong. Listen, Harry, Barb put your phone on silent, every chance she got she'd erase your wife's text messages. She said she heard you lived here and thought if you were going out every night your marriage was shit anyway so she was just helping it along."

"My marriage wasn't shit." Harry says.

Ed sshaes his head. "Face it Harry, your marriage went to shit as soon as you started going out every night and didn't ask Jamie if she wanted to get a baby sitter and go to." Ed sighs. "I knew we should have talked you into staying home. Dude you have a beautiful wife who loves you, and fucking twins. And you thought she thought it would be funny that you've been going out cheating on her. You're fucking sick."

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